September 17th, 2024

System misused

By Letter to the Editor on May 7, 2021.

Editor: I am writing tonight to express my disgust at this government’s negligent and reckless use of the Emergency Alert System.
That system is meant to be used for time sensitive, immediate emergencies where lives are in imminent danger and swift action is imperative. Not to send out messages from a government who just told us the exact same things yesterday. Whatever you think of the legitimacy of the content of the message, using the emergency alert system to spread it was inappropriate and irresponsible.
Children who read that message on devices or their TVs were frightened and needed to be soothed, comforted that they were safe. I have heard multiple stories of elementary aged children who read the message, and, misunderstanding the confusing wording, were terrified that they were going to be required to stay inside until everyone had been vaccinated.
Seniors living alone, who already struggle to keep up with the technology, having that startling sound come through their phone, and having to try to figure out how to silence it, and then decipher the confusing message.
All of these people, terrified, only to realize (maybe much later, after needing someone to explain it to them), that it was just a regurgitation of everything the government announced. athetic.
I’ve already heard of dozens of Albertans deactivating the emergency system from their phone (instructional videos are circulating on Facebook), and just the one “false alarm” is enough to cast serious doubt on the real importance of the next “emergency.”
I think they need to think this through again.
Save the emergency system for emergencies.
Kelsie Petersen
A Frustrated Albertan

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Fedup Conservative

If this government can find a way to screw things up they certainly will. I can certainly see how this is scaring kids.


Then it was successful

Seth Anthony

lol. ZING!

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth Anthony

Almost made you reach for your FREE meds eh FC!

Seth Anthony

That was rude, but I lol’d anyway. Yes, yes, yes, I know I’m going to hell 🙂

Along with H2’s comments, this thread is getting more comical by the minute 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth Anthony

not sure the purpose of your entry, j57. fc has never been opposed to our social health system. not sure where you stand on it, but being a hardy, tough, grandstanding boy of an albertan, i expect you would prefer we not have public health. below, seth cheers you on. however, i expect seth does not support public health, because it means money has been forcibly taken from his purse to serve not just him, but others. do i have that correct seth? have you not stated several times in these pages that you do not support community use of money?
regardless, i see nothing funny nor accurate nor useful from j57’s comment…which is not unusual, insofar a j57’s entries go.

Seth Anthony

No one should be forced to work or pay for another. It’s a violation of basic human rights, and it’s a form of slavery. If YOU want to pay for another, then go ahead. What gives you the right to force someone to work and pay for another?

Also, your health care example is wrong. Health care isn’t really forcing one to pay for another. Our health care system is an insurance pool.

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth Anthony
Seth Anthony


I forgot about this nonsense you said in the latter half:

“Have you not stated several times in these pages that you do not support community use of money?”

Excuse me? I have said no such thing. I’ve never stated that I’m against helping one another or supporting the community. In fact, I’m a little pissed off that you keep accusing me of such. One last time: I’m against forcing innocent people to work and pay for another. That DOESN’T mean I’m against helping people or against supporting the community!!!

I shouldn’t be surprised though, as you have a knack for misconstruing my statements and then accusing me of some sort of nefarious and negative characteristic. Just like the times you called me cold, compassionless, a racist, etc. Truth is, I’m the complete opposite of all those things. Truth is, on many occasions you have accused others of those things just because they didn’t strictly agree to your ideology.

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth Anthony

i may still not entirely understand your position – very sorry to have gotten it wrong. i do know you strongly favour majority rule, via plebiscite/referendum. i tend toward that approach; however, there is limit to that as it lacks leadership…sadly, so does our present system. however, we should keep in mind that the masses get it wrong, and even very wrong, very often. thus, we had best ensure the likes of inalienable rights are well defined…and indeed, are inalienable, or majority rule soon morphs into a tyranny by the majority (we have together visited this topic before 🙂 ).
where i have accused others of racism, it is because of what they have entered – when i have gotten it wrong, i have apologised, and mean it.
i will toss out a couple of examples of how i could be confused by your position on community, and should you wish to clarify, i will look for a response. i am asking just to get a better take on your outlook on what is in fact a tricky topic. i am not at all trying to set you up. but perhaps you will agree the line between need and want will blur.
1) you have stated you do not support public use of money for the arts. if the majority support the idea, are you then ok with? i understand you do not see arts as a need; does this mean it is not even an option?
2) do you see either of welfare, support for people with disabilities (ie aish), the oas, the gis, as acceptable?
3) we both think the ed system sucks. however, do you support the concept of public schooling? (the private system is much the same, the real difference being that those students by and large interact better with the mini-university/elitist approach to education).
4) you have said you support public health, but with the caveat that you see it as insurance ( i am not sure it really is anymore, as the money that feeds comes most from the general tax pool, and not from premiums; moreover, it is not a voluntary choice but a forced one)…however, do you support our system as such because it falls under needs…either way, the system is picking one’s pockets in order to pay for it; same with employment insurance…it is an insurance, and it is a money maker (how has one of our sleazy govts not sold it off for a song to some buddies already?!), but it also picks one’s pockets. it too can be argued as being a need, but, like home or life insurance, it can also be argued it is entirely optional.
keep in mind that what one sees as needs may not be in tune with what another sees as needs; therefore, the topic is tricky. for example, there are those that feel helping addicts to greater extents is a need.
be assured, i support the idea of needs first and foremost. most, or even all wants, might best be attended to at large by donations and pay for use (but, that should mean taxation decreases…but, as we know, even if taxes decreased immediately, it would not be long before they increased).
moreover, i support the idea of a far more needs based economic approach. i feel we need to scale back on the idea of unlimited wants by an unlimited population. does not mean we cannot still be very comfortable; but, it does mean limits such that we create far less junk and pollution…but that is another topic for us to solve, and one that may be approached well enough by a series of plebiscites/referendums.

Seth Anthony

I’ll put your words in bold:

Keep in mind that what one sees as needs may not be in tune with what another sees as needs.

It’s probably best to define a “need” as something that causes harm if it was removed. So, examples of needs would be food, shelter, love, participation, freedom and laughter.

“You have stated you do not support public use of money for the arts. if the majority support the idea, are you then ok with? i understand you do not see arts as a need; does this mean it is not even an option?”

If the majority want it, then yes. Take casa for example. What are they up to now? 10’s of millions and growing? Yet, unlike my example of “needs” that would cause harm if they were gone, if casa disappeared, it would have no effect on society. If people knew how much casa was costing them, and how that money could be much better spent, they would reject casa in a direct democracy. The people have actually already rejected casa, as casa couldn’t even come close to raising the money that they requested for their pretentious castle. That’s why they have to force us via ideological politicians to pay for it.

Do you see either of welfare, support for people with disabilities (ie aish), the oas, the gis, as acceptable?

I’m all for a safety net. The problem is, the amount of abuse to our social safety net is rampant. For example, the shelter, the free food, the free clothing, is supposed to be for temporary, emergency situations. However, it’s now being used as a “lifestyle” for many. Another example is those on aish in which their families are fully capable of taking care of them, yet strangers are forced to work and pay for them.

We both think the ed system sucks. however, do you support the concept of public schooling? (the private system is much the same, the real difference being that those students by and large interact better with the mini-university/elitist approach to education).

I totally support public schooling. What I despise about schooling, is what we both agreed upon on the matter.

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth Anthony

thanks for taking the time. i suspect there are many others that share your approach, and many more that are not too apart. and, there will be a chunk that do not like sharing much at all.
we are not too far off, although i figure i am less stringent about where i feel public money better serves a community.
your definition of “need” is acceptable. even so, there can be effective cases made as to what constitutes need or want even within that reasonably clear definition.
you note abuse of the system – and this is a significant issue, at all levels. we have those that abuse the system at the bottom, such as welfare and ei cheats; and we have them all the way up to the huge money, such as tax cheats – including those that have lobbied to create tax laws that enable the very wealthiest to avoid losing a precious penny of their beloved money. also in the uppermost levels are those that are in the pockets of govt…and vice versa…whereby the public at large loses massive sums that would benefit all, rather than the sleazy, nasty self serving few. i have added links recently in another thread that shows how much the very wealthiest suck out of the social purse relative to those at the bottom, and those at the top rake in quite a bit more than do the many more at the bottom.
i am sure we agree that graft, greed, self service( to the detriment whereby it proves a grand disservice to others [not sure where you would stand on this one; but it can also be seen as correct that there are many at the bottom whose actions are self serving to the extent of being disservice]), and corruption are issues that we had best rectify asap.
it is my opinion that the siphoning of vast amounts of wealth, and power, from society cannot be seen as acceptable. utter financial equality is a long way off, if we can ever even evolve to such a degree of trust and decency with one another; however, the vast disparity that we have been conditioned to see as “normal” is a root cause of many of our issues, issues that cost the masses a lot of money and resource, and cost the very wealthiest nothing. the power imbalance just serves to perpetuate the “normalisation” of the inequities, and the corruption, and the broken political system that sustains and legitimises it all.
i suspect i am among a minority that acknowledge the reality of luck in life, and i refer far less to the likes of winning a big lottery than i do to things like healthy body and mind, and particularly, the kind of luck that we see as “marketable” ability; some of those abilities are rather ridiculous in terms of production/need, such as entertainers/athletes, and yet those types rake in an absurd amount of cash and positive attention.
lucky people are also those that have the inherent ability to learn skills and information that results in quality income, and moreover, are lucky enough to land positions relative to others that also have such ability… but not everyone is lucky enough to land those positions. there is also much luck in terms of mental health and physical health; moreover, there is much luck in terms of the genetics one inherits, the family and nurture one inherits, and even the place on planet earth one is born into. yes, there are examples of those that overcome so much of so many challenges…but they are in reality the few of that batch. the luck of the draw is often the difference maker; many work hard at things but are unable to find “success’.
a couple of other things that i do take into account, and it does muddy the black and white, is that: there are those that know better and can easily be better; there are those that have incapacity and challenges that are overwhelming…and, in fairness, the latter cannot be treated with the same set of repercussions as the former. not to say the latter people have any right or excuse to cause issues, but i do suggest that some require ongoing supports that are humane, and that ultimately serve the better interests of society at large.
to that end, there are approaches that will prove to be less costly than do our current ways of dealing with things…the cycle of under/unemployment, working for what amounts to peanuts, is not acceptable. nor is our approach to homelessness and the effects of addictions (and, sorry to point out, the worst fallout to society comes from alcohol abuse), and consequent financial suck due to the never ending cycle of policing/justice/incarceration. we have been doing much the same old to deal with these realities for a very long time, with little positive effect. in fact, the result appears to be an ever increasing massive the suck on quality of life for all.

Seth Anthony

What’s at the top?

Massive greed, corruption, vote buying, divisiveness, elitism, cronyism, and all sorts of other despicable characteristics.

All of that garbage would disappear if the provinces and municipalities utilized direct democracy and the federal government was abolished.


if you are not absolutely correct, you are not far from the answer.

John P Nightingale

This IS an “emergency”. Methinks you are overreacting to government’s use of the alert system.

Seth Anthony

How is it an emergency when they already told us?

John P Nightingale

It is , in my opinion, a way to re-enforce the message already noted having been spread via newsprint and TV. It did not, again in my opinion, interfere with “amber alerts” , wildfires or other life threatening emergencies.
If it did, then fair enough, perhaps the writer has a point.

Seth Anthony

The issue of “Interference” was not implied at all by the author, so I’m confused as to why you would argue such.

The author’s point is that it was a needless endeavor that only caused fear and apathy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth Anthony

No John. This is not an emergency. Covid deaths are down 80% in this province from where they were in December/January according to the Alberta government’s own COVID stats. They say cases are going up, but a case is just that – a case. And one has to wonder about the accuracy and legitimacy of these tests when someone who went to get tested FOUR TIMES was positive twice and negative twice. Question is were the 2 positives counted as 2 cases or only as 2 positives from the same person? This is not an emergency. This is despicable, disgusting, childish behaviour from people we’re supposed to trust! Trust??? Really?¿?

John P Nightingale

” childish, disgusting despicable behaviour”. Indeed it is but not from AHS.


Extremely right Kelsie Petersen. My grand kid was shaking and ran to me looking for support. !What a shame! Can some of the advisors tell the premier how to lead a province? No wonder why Alberta is a non-attractive place to visit and is led by an ignorant.


Wherever you come from is an unattractive place to visit.


Absolutely agree 100% with you Kelsie. What a waste of taxpayers money to put what we already knew on the emergency system. Came through our bloody home fire/security alarm system. Scared the ceap out of us.


Scared you? What is ‘ceap’ anyways? lol
Did you ever go through a fire drill at school as a kid? Did it scare you or did you hope for a softer warning? Too bad they can’t warn you they’re going to warn you…oh wait ..they did in the previous days announcement.

Last edited 3 years ago by h2ofield
Seth Anthony

I had to look up “ceap”. It’s not even a slang word, let alone a real word. I then thought it was some sort of misspelling…but nope.

So ya…what the hell is a ceap Mike? 🙂


C’mon , Mark Anthony, ‘r’ and ‘e’ are right beside each other on the keypad.

Seth Anthony

DOH! Holy crap. I can’t believe I missed that…yet here we are 🙂


I’m finally giving you an upvote! Anything can happen these days! Don’t be alarmed!

Seth Anthony

Allllll righty then. I’ll forgo a Red Alert!


So are we about to find out what is REALLY in these vaccines? Take a look.
Also just heard that the AstraZeneca vaccine claimed another life – this one in Alberta. If the powers-that-be who are pushing these vaccines on us are really serious about saving lives, how come this dubious blood clot- riddled vaccine hasn’t been pulled yet? Should have been already after the first death!!


Stick to the topic and take your skepticism elsewhere.
People are so spineless these days. Spooked by an emergency warning. Have you ever been through a fire drill at work or school? Ever heard of the ‘duck & cover’ cold war fears of the early 60’s? Bombing warnings and sirens during WWII?
Startled by your phone going off in your pants or while you were checking FB or playing a game on your smart phone? Oh the humanity!

Last edited 3 years ago by h2ofield
John P Nightingale

Nice segue but since you brought it up:
Before writing about the evils of vaccines perhaps take time to read medical reviews and real life experiences. If you did, you would find that the chance of blood clots from Astrazeneca is a hell of a lot less likely than those contracting the disease itself. Dig deep enough for any medication currently on the market and you will find potential side effects. Presumably you are an antivaxer , and anti any medication available. Ever taken Aspirin? – it can cause internal bleeding, very nasty and thus should be avoided.
The tragedy of one Albertan’s death cannot and should not ever be down played but consider that over 3.3 million deaths have occurred world-wide because of this virus and it will continue to spiral unless people follow public health rules and the population becomes vaccinated. Selfish actions by a few (think Bowden rodeo, Grace Life church et al) inevitably will lead to more deaths and long term suffering.