September 15th, 2024

There may be truth in figurative saying

By Letter to the Editor on May 7, 2021.

Deliberately blind to the recent spike in COVID-19 statistics, many Albertans appear to have chosen “the hill they want to die on”.
Sadly, this figurative saying could turn out to be prophetic.
Citing their rights and freedoms these Albertans gather in clusters, unmasked, unvaccinated and wilfully ignorant of the risk of being exposed to the virus, resulting in possible misery and death.
Paul Ciesla

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Fedup Conservative

They have no clue as to what they will have to endure if they get covid. My son and a friends daughter certainly do. She is a nurse and went through hell in Dec. with it. My son is just getting over it. Apparently the pounding headaches is about the worse part of it. You can’t sleep because of them.

rational thinker

“pounding headaches is the worst part” like you have a clue. I would say that death should be the worst part no? The reality is, that death is the least likely outcome it contracted. All the other symptoms suck, but are treatable.


irrational thought: prevention is the rational option. then, some symptoms respond more to attention than others. then, death is not treatable.
rational thought: prevention is best approach…as in, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
but i am sure you are of such stoic stock that you will either not get seriously sick; but, if you did, you would “deny” yourself treatment, because you “deny” that covid is much of a killer.


Hey, you ARE indeed a rational thinker πŸ‘πŸ˜‰

Fedup Conservative

Nothing rational about his thinking.

Fedup Conservative

What a stupid comment . I don’t think you care about the headaches if you are dead. Why don’t you show some respect for those that have gone through it and those that have lost loved ones. When we start hearing about 13 and 17 and 20 year old’s dying from it we have a serious problem. Where is your respect for our doctors and nurses who are going through hell thanks to what these idiots in the UCP government have created for them?


Do people only go through hell because of COVID? What about those going through hell who have lost their jobs, their businesses, their safety and their freedoms from lockdowns? What about those who lost loved ones from the toxic vaccines, or who have lost their health from them. What about those locked up in hospitals and nursing homes, sick or dying from loneliness. What about those with mental illness or those living with someone who has mental illness brought on or aggravated by restrictions? What about the suicidal who are fast loosing hope because their’s no end to this? What about cancer and cardiac patients who’ve seen their treatments/surgeries cancelled indefinitely? What about those who’ve had hip or knee replacement surgery cancelled and must go on in debilitating pain? What about those who’ve been vaccinated and STILL need to wear masks, isolate or keep their distance? I’m a conservative too. I should be fed up!

Michael Breukelman,


You just disclaimed the whole COVID illness. I thought the worst symptoms were blood clots, shortness of breath, wheezing, etc. If pounding headaches are the worst, you get those from colds and flu as well. Most people survive those πŸ˜‰

Fedup Conservative

No these two were lucky they didn’t have those symptoms and as we know it can vary in different people. My son also has a cough he can’t get rid of , yet doesn’t have a cold. Blood clots are very rare if you had been listening.

John P Nightingale

Short and to the point! (Let us not forget the exposure to others unrelated to the β€œevents” themselves.)

Southern Albertan

There is a twitter feed by an internal medicine doctor in Edmonton that may be well worth it for everyone to read:
Quote from the first in the thread: “14 months in we are at that point COVID deniers are coming with severe infection, openly admitting participation in freedom and anti-mask rallies.”
And, further down in the thread: “In a particularly sad case recently, a patient said to me-‘I didn’t think COVID was anything more than a cold. I laughed at masks. Now I’m here. And my Dad is dead. And my Mom is in ICU. This isn’t a cold.”

Fedup Conservative

I think these idiots should be made to volunteer in our hospitals without a mask and see how long they last. Take Drew Barnes and his fellow idiots with him. It’s no secret that the cases have skyrocketed since they started this idea of ignoring health care restrictions. Apparently savings businesses is far more important than savings lives. Yet there is financial help if they bothered to apply for it. Too lazy I bet and their MLAS are too lazy to help them.


would the freedom mouths and noses please have the guts, the courage, the conviction, the decency, to get out of the way when the become sick and feel they need to take up space in the health system should they get their little sniffles, runny nose, chippy little cough…heavy chest, wicked body pain, loss of ability to move about, inability to breathe. seriously, just die like the tough, grandstanding louts you have chosen to be. cowards with big loud mouths, when push comes to shove, right? how about going to your church, instead, take up space there and give the flock something to pray over; or, maybe the great rodeo god in the sky can take you away on a bouncing bull? or, maybe your tough pals can toss you a party, and ye be healed by other freedom mouths and noses.
bottom line: have the guts to stand by your self serving choice, instead of behaving as a pathetic, two-faced coward.


May I please take this opportunity to invite readers to take in some alternative media, and hope that this request gets published and not deleted. Every story had two sides. COVID is no different. So instead of getting all your information from one source or from one side with multiple sources telling the same thing, consider adding the other side and make informed decisions. May I also please encourage people to do their own research as well.
Here’s a list alternative sources you may wish to try.
-Rebel News. I don’t like the name and have suggested they change to something else, because it makes them and their adherents seem like bad guys, which they are not – really. They are very informative and are not afraid to get into the thick of things.
– True North
– The Epoch Times (Newspaper)
– One America News
– Bill O’Reilly
– Fox News (Prime Time)
– Dr. Eric Berg
– Liz Wheeler
– Counter Signal with Keann Bexte (formerly from Rebel News)
– Sky News Australia
– Daily Express ( from the UK)

And one last thing. Paul Ceisla, just because we are exercising our rights to fresh air, oxygen, friendship, fellowship, communion, etc, doesn’t mean we have no regard for people like you. Many of us practice proper hygiene, proper diet, proper nutrition, proper exercise, proper rest……. In other words, doing all the things we should be doing to stay healthy, care for our immune systems (if anyone these days still knows what they are!) and our bodies. What more could you expect from us “selfish”, “uncaring”, “inconsiderate” people. Keep doing what you want, but stop telling us what (not) to do please. Thank you.
Michael Breukelman,

Southern Albertan

There is also:
Press Progress
The Tyee
Susan on the Soapbox


– True North
– The Epoch Times (Newspaper)
– One America News
– Bill O’Reilly
– Fox News (Prime Time)
– Dr. Eric Berg
– Liz Wheeler
– Counter Signal with Keann Bexte (formerly from Rebel News)
– Sky News Australia
– Daily Express ( from the UK)

Hey..these are hangouts for far right douchebags!