September 14th, 2024

Some UCP MLAs to blame for rising COVID cases

By Letter to the Editor on May 15, 2021.

Editor: My late father was a rodeo cowboy, a bareback rider, and had nothing but respect for doctors and nurses.
He knew cowboys couldn’t exist without the help of doctors and nurses.
Watching these fools at Bowden deliberately put people at risk of catching COVID and showing no respect for the nightmare our doctors and nurses have been going through is sickening. Let’s hope they are all banned from competing in any future rodeos.
Ever since MLA Drew Barnes and these ignorant UCP MLAs started this ignore – the-rules-and-keep-our businesses-open campaign, COVID cases have skyrocketed in Alberta and we are seeing more and more young people getting sick and in some cases dying.
Apparently putting the saving of businesses ahead of saving lives is far more important to Barnes and company. How stupid can you be?
Especially when they are ignoring the fact that there are government plans in place to help these businesses survive doesn’t make them look very smart.
The big question is are these businesses too lazy to apply for help and are their MLAs too lazy to help them apply?
Businesses in Edmonton are telling us that take out and curb side pick-up is working and government help is welcome.
Why aren’t rural businesses following suit?
Alan K. Spiller

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fed up, you are losing it, for once supporting the cons.

Fedup Conservative

So are you saying you didn’t support the conservatives when they were collecting proper royalties , taxes, health care premiums and running this province properly? What was the matter with you?
Building the Heritage Trust Fun, funding our municipalities properly and keeping our property taxes at a reasonable level, along with vehicle registration fees, power bills, liquor prices and repairing our roads instead of letting them fill with potholes.
Have you noticed what Alaska and Norway have been doing with their oil wealth while we let these Reformers help their rich friends steal ours? I have been to both places and talked to the people about what their wealth is doing for them, have you?

Fedup Conservative

Don’t forget the orphan well mess Klein dumped in our laps that has destroyed the lives of land owners wanting to sell their farms and retire.


i supported the cons until klien, because i used to drink beer with him and new him for what he was.

Last edited 3 years ago by phlushie
Fedup Conservative

I knew him when I was in my late teens and early 20s and knew what a jerk he was. My dad called him a sleazy bastard because that’s what he was. When he was campaigning to become premier his mother Flo told my mother that she didn’t think he was capable of running this province properly.

Mum told her we shared her concerns and no one in her family had any intention of supporting him and we didn’t. When he was closing hospitals and cutting nursing positions his father Phil said to me Al what in the hell is the matter with that son of mine. While he gives away billions in royalties he’s making us try to live without a proper health care system. This could cost some people their lives. Phil was right it did cost some their lives. One was almost my father.

Fedup Conservative

The truth is members of the Klein family were a lot smarter than the people who were dumb enough to support him.

Les Elford

Alan; You bring out some good points. I too have often, no, frequently… no in reality constantly wondered where many of these so called leaders have come from, and who and what they really represent (other than themselves).
The argument of ensuring human rights are upheld vs ensuring scientific objective and verifiable scientific research is upheld gets old and tiresome and represents blatant hypocrisy after awhile. So even though they claim in public they are listening and paying attention to medical /scientific specialists; in reality they, sanction and ignore medical /scientific recommendations and implement partial recommendations and wait until the pandemic becomes the most significant North American outbreak right here in Alberta.
Then; so called “political party” who supposedly represents it’s constituent’s chooses to blatantly ignore scientific, verifiable research and data regarding the social, economic and health dangers inherent in Coal Mining and try’s to tell us our Southern Alberta water supply (in a semi arid) geographical region) will be unaffected and will be safe from the introduction of Coal Mining (in reality a clear and present danger to our water supply, safety etc)
I started off the article thinking they were just being their hypocritical , confusing selves. In conclusion; it appears they are just continuing to do what they have always done serving themselves, rather than the best interest of the people and rejecting science( whether it’s medical science, or agricultural science, environmental science) when it best suits their needs.
I suspect when and if this is over; the real issues; the health and safety of the people, an adequate medical, education and social system will remain decimated and the economy suffering and the politicians will claim victory and make themselves out to be heroes /saviors .
Once upon a time; I thought I had an minimal understanding of the PC party. I can definitely state I do not understand this smorgasbord, this experiment of the PC, Wildrose, and UCP party. I admit I am not smart enough to have answers. But there is something seriously wrong with this provincial government and the individual representatives elected as well as the current Federal government.
I am tired of waking up every morning, turning on some news, and immediately developing a “pit in my belly” It’s not the CoVid -19 numbers exclusively which cause this. It is the inconsistent, baffling, confusing messages coming from these politicians and the incessant bafflegab the evasion, refusal to answer questions, the deflection, the nothingness that comes from their mouths. You can see their lips move, but nothing of any worthwhile is coming from their mouths to improve the issues long term. Just a blame game and insult throwing. Makes you wonder if their “plan” is just throwing darts, or spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks
The existing UCP tribes (remaining on the island) are a lot like the tribes which formed in the book “Lord of the Flies” I wonder which tribe will “win” and how that will be of benefit to the rest of us; “normal joe working people” (who bought the message from the “Man from the East” who appeared and promised a better life); who are just trying to survive in this world of; increasing taxes; real estate, lumber prices, car prices and costs, gasoline, education, food costs, inflation, tenuous financial markets and fewer jobs for all. I sympathize with business people “who feel forced into breaking the rules and normally never would” out of desperation in order to survive and then are penalized, just as I sympathize with all of us dealing with the confusion and inconsistent messages coming from politicians mouths. No wonder there is such and increase in depression, mental health issues etc. ( But these are invisible injuries the politicians have forever and always chosen to ignore, just like the elderly, the disadvantaged, the homeless. I fear they will do so again.


great summation, thank you

Fedup Conservative

Thanks Les. As someone who was asked, by a group of lawyers, to run as leader of the Alberta Alliance Party in the 2004 election to try to help them put a stop to what Ralph Klein was doing to us I certainly know there is a huge difference between a true Conservative and a damn Reformer. Even Klein’s own father Phil and daughter Angie were trying to help us vote him out. Our family had known the Klein family since the early 1960s. Klein’s mother Flo and my mother were good friends. I refused knowing my wife was retiring in two years and we were planning to do a lot of travelling which we have done.
My late parents and two sisters spent countless hours volunteering for the Lougheed and Getty governments. A brother in-law voluntarily flew the government plane for them in his spare time, and Lougheeds energy minister Bill Dickie was a brother in-law of one of my uncles. Dad donated around $30,000. to their party over the years and Klein almost killed him with his health care cuts.

The former MLAs from the Loughheed government, I got to know, taught me well. You can’t trust a Reformer was their advise and they were certainly right.


No Allan Spiller. You got it all wrong. These are the MLAs against the lockdowns. They are not to blame.
The restrictions, mask-wearing mandates, and covid vaccinations are to blame. Masks are ABSOLUTELY USELESS to protect anyone from viruses and bacteria, and the “vaccines” are all experimental. They are not at all proven safe or tested. They’re being tested right now – ON US!! We’re the guinea pigs – or at least those falling for the shots. And it’s not going well, as you can see. Watch this video featuring two experts from “the other side” of the story – the side the mainstream media wants to silence and ignore!
If it won’t open directly from here, copy and paste the link to your browser.
Have fun getting educated, Mr. Spiller. Looking forward to seeing you cross the floor to the “right” side 😉

Fedup Conservative

Let’s hope that young Albertans read this so they know how stupid many of our fellow seniors are.
So we have two more ignorant seniors who can’t handle the truth because they aren’t man enough and that’s who you believe.
Why don’t you and your ignorant friends be heroes and go down to the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit and volunteer without wearing masks and see how long you last.
Why don’t you go down to the police station , without wearing masks, and tell them what you just told me and see if you can convince them not to fine you $2,500.
Why don’t we sue you for a few million dollars on behalf of the families who have lost loved ones, especially teenagers, so you can try to prove in court what a genius you are, would you like to try?
My son went through hell with covid and a friends daughter did also . She is a nurse. Luckily they both survived without any lasting effects, so far. 2,143 Albertans haven’t been that lucky, but Mike doesn’t care. He’s so much smarter than us.
We know at least 85% of Albertans aren’t as dumb as you are and the facts prove it. While others get vaccinated these seniors open themselves up to a much bigger chance of getting it because this virus has to have someone to attack.

John P Nightingale

Let me be rather nice by way of reply:
“Utter unadulterated bovine fecal material”.

Fedup Conservative

About 15 years ago a guy told me that I shouldn’t go around bad mouthing seniors. I should pity them because they really are that stupid. He was certainly correct, they really are that stupid.

It certainly explains why they have given us all a bad rap about seniors being stupid. Just ask my senior RCMP friends who had to deal with them because some con- artists were able to steal their life’s savings. Some of them have used the dumbest tricks to fool them, yet they were dumb enough to believe them.


Your constant and continuous angry propensity to attack and slander conservatives and now seniors is pathetic. “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser” – Socrates..

Last edited 3 years ago by Dakota
Fedup Conservative

So where do you get the idea that these are conservatives that I am attacking? Do you honestly think true conservatives would be so hell bent on destroying what our conservative hero Peter Lougheed created for us?
I’m 78 years old so certainly I am a senior and my senior friends and I only hear idiotic comments coming from our fellow seniors like you have just done? Are you really so ignorant that you can’t tell the difference between a Reformer and a Conservative?
By the way my title FEDUP CONSERVATIVE was created by a lawyer friend who said I was the strongest conservative he had ever known and to make certain I bragged about it.
The fact is I don’t just support any fool who attaches the word conservative to their name and believe every lie he feeds us, but apparently you do.


Mike, you’re so full of crap!