September 14th, 2024

Province’s vaccination lottery raises a red flag

By Letter to the Editor on June 23, 2021.

I am very angry with the premier for using my tax dollars to encourage people to get a vaccine that isn’t really a vaccine as we know it. Read the science offered by the companies like Moderna or Phizer. I, along with a few others, have been doing homework and researching this COVID shot, and there are so many things that create enough of an alarm that I won’t be taking it, and I’m sharing what I’ve found so others I care about don’t either.
It is always a race to share this information, as doctors, immunologists, nurses and other researchers, who give scientific reasons why they have an issue with this vaccine, are deplatfomed, shunned by colleagues and even fired. The articles and videos are taken down within hours if not days.
By writing this letter, I know that I too will be harassed and shown anger by some friends, family, colleagues and strangers. I don’t judge them for their opposing opinion, don’t judge me.
I am fully against anti-vaxxers, as it should be up to individuals what they decide to do. My issue is when students are offered breaks on tuition and a chance to win free tuition, or the premier giving $3 million in a taxpayer funded lottery to encourage fence sitters to quit looking at any conflicting views and just take the vaccine already; then I am upset. This itself raises a red flag.
Brandt Skriver

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Having read previous comments by you am I surprised by this one? Not at all. Take that however you want.


You’ve done your homework, yet you can’t spell ‘pfizer’?
Please share your research of ‘so many things that create enough of an alarm’.

Fedup Conservative

I certainly agree with you. You can bet the research was done by some fool who isn’t any smarter.

old school

Brandt is right.If the “vaccines” were so good they would sell themselves.
Bribing people by a lottery or propaganda raises serious concerns for critical

Seth Anthony

The lottery isn’t about health or the safety of the vaccines. It’s about getting everyone back to work so they can pay taxes and rev up our economy. Money…it’s always about money 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth Anthony

sure is – and the pharms are not giving much away, and they sure have taken in a massive injection from the public purses of various “free” world economies. classic.

Fedup Conservative

These aren’t critical thinkers . These are stupid seniors who are ignoring the facts or haven’t you noticed how the case numbers are declining because of the vaccines. The vaccines have sold themselves.
I know the doctors and nurses in our world certainly have noticed, they are finally getting a break from the nightmare they have been living or don’t you care. Why don’t you be a hero and find some of them to talk to?

Fedup Conservative

Want to bet that he is another one of these stupid seniors who is a lot smarter than the rest of us. As my doctor friends point out this virus isn’t going to go away anytime soon, we may even need annual booster shots to protect us, and the fools who don’t get vaccinated will be the ones putting their lives on the line.
Apparently Skriver hasn’t noticed how the cases are going down as more and more people are vaccinated. Good luck playing Russian Roulette with your life the rest of us aren’t that stupid.

I know a senior couple just like him and their children and grandchildren have made it clear that they are cutting them out of their lives. They won’t be visiting them anymore. Can you blame them?

John P Nightingale

If you really did care about others and had actually read medical journals rather than You Tube videos and the Dark Web you would not hesitate to receive the shot.
You do not have to be a rocket scientist to observe the decreases in severity and overall cases of COVID. (Yes I know there are multiple other factors causing the decrease but vaccination is one of them.)
As a “non anti-vaxxer”,you must realize that all vaccines , repeat ALL vaccines undergo clinical trials to determine safety and ALL vaccines have side effects as do ALL drugs prescription or otherwise? If the shots you received in the past had undergone as much public scrutiny as COVID vaccines then you likely would regret having taken them – despite them having done the job. Yes, this was developed rather fast but real time observations have not shown any more negative effects than would be expected for any similar medical intervention. (Our so called health experts and the myriad of “teams”, committees and agencies have offered up sometimes conflicting statements as information evolved and that has , in my opinion, contributed to some losing faith in the vaccine roll-out.)
No doubt you have read of micro-chips implanted by that devil Bill Gates, infertility, autism, genetic manipulation of our cells, “Satan’s Poker” – the list goes on and on. Not one of these assertions have been proven.)
Back on planet earth, the vaccines have and are saving lives and advancing a return to some form of normality here and hopefully the rest of the world.
Kindly reference an example of someone being “fired” for having questioned this vaccine. Equally, a few names would be nice, rather than lumping the dissenters alongside the vast majority of medical professionals of all types who are in favour. (I too have referenced multiple contrary opinions , only to find their opinions have been challenged and thoroughly debunked by their peers.(Bridle, Vanden Bossche, Shaw, Classen…..))
By sharing your so called “knowledge” amongst vulnerable peers, is of course your choice but realize that by so doing, you are hindering their and societies battle against this virus.
A “Red Flag”? Possibly but not for the reasons you have mentioned.