October 10th, 2024

Kenney needs to reconsider medical staff wage cuts

By Letter to the Editor on August 6, 2021.

In February and March of this year, I was hospitalized with COVID-19. I spent a week in the ICU and experienced short term paralysis on my right side.
Had it now been for the caring and competent attention I received from the medial staff, I could easily have died.
Recently, the Alberta government wanted to impose a four percent wage reduction on the very staff who saved my life. I
am outraged at this attempt at coping with serious financial problems in the Alberta Health care system.
I encourage Jason Kenney to reconsider this wage cut and find other ways of managing finances other than punishing staff who are dedicated to keeping people alive.
John Hill

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Citi Zen

Why is it that the government can throw millions at downtown revitalization, water treatment for FN, bicycle trails, etc but we can’t pay our nurses a decent wage, considering their value to all of us?

Southern Albertan

….and throwing $billions at iffy pipelines/refineries; lose out on $billions in revenue by cutting corporate tax rates to 8% and thereby, facilitating ongoing unfair taxation; handing out open pit coal mining leases for pennies on the dollar; not actively pursuing other avenues of revenue……


The proposed cuts are indeed unconscionable, but you don’t really mean to equate the provision of clean drinking water with recreation facilities?
Also, drinking water infrastructure on FN Reserves south of 60 degrees, with the exception of BC, is a shared responsibility between FN communities and the Federal Government.