September 15th, 2024

Trudeau must go

By Letter to the Editor on August 20, 2021.

I can forgive Justin for wearing black face as a drama teacher…chalk it up to immaturity. But I will not overlook two major faux pax: He tried to force his Attorney General to overlook criminal charges against a Liberal supporting company.
And now he forces us into a early election because he sees a chance of his majority. We are facing a long battle with a pandemic and all he thinks of is his gain!
I do hope my fellow Canadians will join me in voting anyone but Liberal.
Larry Mackillop

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Fedup Conservative

As much as the conservatives in my world aren’t fans of Trudeau we don’t want another damn Reformer hell bent on destroying our Public Health Care System while his buddy Jason Kenney continues to give away all our oil , gas, and tax wealth using it as an excuse to buy votes from his rich friends.
We know if Trudeau hadn’t been in power and poured all this money into the provinces our young people would have been in a lot worse mess. He is giving our Edmonton Airport $25 million and we know the Reformers wouldn’t have. They keep whining about spending too much money to help the people.
Jason Kenney won’t even agree to helping young parents get a break on their Day Care Fees by accepting the Federal plan, yet other provinces are jumping on board. My son has been paying $1,800. per month for his two sons. $ 600 per month certainly looks a lot better.
Maybe Larry would like to explain how any of these acts by Trudeau harmed him in any way, while Kenney plans to once again destroy our Health care and Education systems, cut 11,000 health care jobs, driving out doctors, nurses, and teachers , kick out the RCMP and dump the total costs onto the backs of the people, like Klein did with deregulation. Don’t forget his plan to put our water supply in danger.
If you want to start paying $600. to $1,000. per month for your health care, like my American Relatives are doing, vote in Erin O’Toole and watch how fast it happens. There are enough phony conservative premiers, Reformers, now in Canada that I bet they have the power to make it happen.


Why should we support your sons child care costs? He had the babies so let him pay for there upbringing.

Southern Albertan

What is, more, the point with universal child care broadly and in the big picture,, is that it is good for a country’ economy, since money does talk. Universal child care, for Canada, would bring in about $17 to $29 billion into government revenues/year because of more folks getting into the workforce and paying taxes. Other countries, because they’re smart, had this figured out years ago, along with it being integrated into early childhood education. This lays the base for a country to be at the top of the heap in all fields because they do not scrimp on education right from day one. If we’re going to be smart with regard to finances, universal child care is a wise investment. For myself, if I would have had access to $10/day child care, I would have had at least 2 more kids….good for keeping up our birth rate as well.

Fedup Conservative

It isn’t hard to understand why young Albertans are calling seniors stupid when you have guys like you hurling sarcastic comments at them for daring to have children and want help with the high day care fees. It’s fools like you who give us seniors a bad name.
Are you so stupid that you have forgotten that in our day we didn’t have to worry about high school fees, or high day care fees, there were none, because we could afford to let our wives stay home and look after the kids. It’s no secret that young parents now days need to have two sets of wages to survive.
While you watch Jason Kenney slash corporate taxes to benefit his rich friends, and create a nightmare for our doctors, nurses and teachers why aren’t you showing support for them and those of us who want him gone?
Just think what that $9.4 billion we are losing could do to help our young families, including paying for the clean up of these orphan wells dumped upon us. I had lunch with a retired oilman recently and he knows Klein should never have created it for our children.
A lawyer friend of mine, if he were alive today, would say to you
“If you don’t want to be called stupid, stop acting that way”
Maybe the lawyers that I have known over the years were right we should have started suing you seniors who find it smart to hurl your sarcastic comments at anyone who doesn’t share your stupid way of thinking, what do you think?

Southern Albertan

The “Mouseland” scenario still applies to both, the Liberals and the Conservatives though. We couldn’t get rid of the Harper Conservatives fast enough either….their Senate Scandal, Robocall Scandal, Veterans Affairs Scandal, Afghan Detainee Scandal….on and on. Each of these two, old, tired, self-entitled parties are as bad as one another, neither of which has met our needs adequately, particularly the pressing issue of climate change and keeping the top 1% for wealth, wealthy. The hohum Conservative leader O’Toole has been described as a mini-Harper and his leadership also involved the support of our bumbling provincial leader, Jason Kenney whose strings are pulled by Stephen Harper. Will we end up with, ‘same old, same old’ with either of these clown parties? Best case scenario might be an either Liberal or Conservative minority with the Bloc and the NDP pushing through more progressive politics.

pursuit diver

You missed so much more like the trip he took to his friends island, you know, the one who was charged with human trafficking!
His father’s close relationship with the Chinese and Fidel Castor.
The PM trying to force the military to allow a second larger contingent of Chinese PLA to train at our CFB Petawawa, where our special operations are based, after allowing a smaller contingent to train there, 4-6 officers, the year before. Luckily our military stood firm and say NO! And how were we allowing a large group of Chinese to train on Salt Spring Island, in uniforms and with automatic weapons that at banned here?
For years the national debt hovered around 500 to 650 billion dollars, but now we are facing what expects are calling a $1.4 trillion debt since he came to power! I have never seen such a display of vote buying in this country, or what the US calls ‘pork barrel politics’.
While Quebec was offered over $6 billion in child care benefits, other provinces have been given over $1 billion, under $2 billion, and after the SNC Lavalin affair we all know that Quebec is first and Canada second!
So much more to bring up from his blatant disrespect of taxpayer monies and other provinces but I will leave it there. He doesn’t want to wait for the next election because he knows everyone will soon see he doubled our national debt in such a short time! I also think there should be a forensic accounting to see if all the billions he has blown went where it was supposed to or someone’s slush fund!
Our country has been sold out by him!


Yeah..I remember Fidel Castor..I bought some of his oil back in the day.


this debate is nonsense because this is all voters do: they either always vote for the same party, no matter what (how brilliant and what a waste of democracy in principle); they vote in cons, then find out they are sleazes so they vote in libs, and then find out they are sleazes, so they again vote in cons hoping they are no longer sleazes, but the cons continue to be sleazes so they then vote in libs hoping the libs are no longer sleazes, but they are, so they vote back the cons…hopeless fools showing why they sign off every few years with their “x”, the signature of the illiterate. in doing as little, they accept their vote being worth less than a full vote, as we do not have proportional representation, but, rather, a first past the post system that is entirely undemocratic. it is why canada and the provinces most often have a majority govt based on less than 50% of the popular vote, and has had majorities with as little as 39% of the popular vote. really democratic that is, eh?
in addition to the sleaze and corruption are the lies and obfuscation, ever less transparency, erosion of the public’s freedom and privacy…what is one in fact really thinking they are voting for?
how about this time around we put an “x” through the entire ballot, which would send the very democratic message that we are not going to legitimise the bs anymore? if we were choosing a meal from a menu based on our political parties, it would be like a choice between crap and pooh.