By Letter to the Editor on August 27, 2021.
Ms. Rachael Harder, Conservative candidate, ran an article in the Herald Saturday.
She claims to want to solve housing by eliminating foreign ownership, but fails to explain how this will solve the problem of availability and cost.
Next she suggests the CPC will develop one million homes in three years; How?
Again she fails to explain how a 10-year-term – mortgage will be easier for a worker to purchase a home. Most of us have trouble qualifying for a 40-year-term-mortgage.
Imagine what the payments would be for the shorter term mortgage. Next she proposes to eliminate the current stress test.
Why? If you can’t meet the stress test, you would probably not qualify for a mortgage (not have the income to make payments).
Stating the obvious, Ms. Harder says “Canadians want to own homes, and “…it is becoming less and less possible.” True?
Keeping with the making of the affordable theme, CPC plans to drop the $10-a-day childcare program and adopt a tax rebate system – for lower income families. Lower income families pay next to nothing in taxes anyway, so how will this scheme cover “up to 75 per cent of the child care cost?”
Ms. Harder claims to champion the Canadian Agriculture industry. It was the CPC – Harper, Kenney, and Dreesham, who illegally removed the highly successful farmer’s Wheat Board, and passed it on to the international grain corporations. Champions?
The CPC mythical tax elimination that magically solves all problems by reducing the federal government money, and thus getting government out of the picture for privatisation that has done such a poor job up till now. Ms. Harder claims Trudeau is not being totally honest.
I suggest the CPC plans are less than forthcoming, and deserve a pass under current advertisement.
D. Ryane