January 23rd, 2025

Voters should take a pass on CPC plans

By Letter to the Editor on August 27, 2021.

Ms. Rachael Harder, Conservative candidate, ran an article in the Herald Saturday.
She claims to want to solve housing by eliminating foreign ownership, but fails to explain how this will solve the problem of availability and cost.
Next she suggests the CPC will develop one million homes in three years; How?
Again she fails to explain how a 10-year-term – mortgage will be easier for a worker to purchase a home. Most of us have trouble qualifying for a 40-year-term-mortgage.
Imagine what the payments would be for the shorter term mortgage. Next she proposes to eliminate the current stress test.
Why? If you can’t meet the stress test, you would probably not qualify for a mortgage (not have the income to make payments).
Stating the obvious, Ms. Harder says “Canadians want to own homes, and “…it is becoming less and less possible.” True?
Keeping with the making of the affordable theme, CPC plans to drop the $10-a-day childcare program and adopt a tax rebate system – for lower income families. Lower income families pay next to nothing in taxes anyway, so how will this scheme cover “up to 75 per cent of the child care cost?”
Ms. Harder claims to champion the Canadian Agriculture industry. It was the CPC – Harper, Kenney, and Dreesham, who illegally removed the highly successful farmer’s Wheat Board, and passed it on to the international grain corporations. Champions?
The CPC mythical tax elimination that magically solves all problems by reducing the federal government money, and thus getting government out of the picture for privatisation that has done such a poor job up till now. Ms. Harder claims Trudeau is not being totally honest.
I suggest the CPC plans are less than forthcoming, and deserve a pass under current advertisement.
D. Ryane

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Mr. Ryane, I believe you are incorrect in your statement on the demise of the Canadian Wheat Board, The farmers protest here in the south where one farmer went to jail in protest of the wheat board, Harper, and who else gave the farmers what they wanted costing the taxpayers big time. Are the farmers better off today selling at the contract price?

Fedup Conservative

If snowman had bothered to do any research he would have found that the majority of farmers were not happy with Reformer Harper going behind their backs to privatize their Canadian Wheat Board and have been given permission to sue the Canadian government for what they lost.
Privatization is what these Reformers live for. Their attitude is simple make the stupid people pay while we help our rich friends screw them out of their wealth, as my conservative friends will tell you.
Unfortunately Albertans weren’t smart enough to go after Klein for privatizing our power industry. They love paying the highest bills in Canada and are still paying the second highest next to Ontario. They don’t care about the huge amount of fees added to our bills, it’s only cost most them around $20,000. to date and most aren’t smart enough to realize it.
I would suggest snowman google this: “Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board continue court action against the federal government”
“The Manitoba Courts of Appeal unanimously gives green light to Friends of Canadian Wheat Board to Pursue Claim against the Government of Canada”
Why should Canadians have to suffer for what these damn Reformers and their supporters keep doing to us?


Your claim: “Again she fails to explain how a 10-year-term – mortgage will be easier for a worker to purchase a home. Most of us have trouble qualifying for a 40-year-term-mortgage.Imagine what the payments would be for the shorter term mortgage.” 

You should know what you are talking about when you make your comments. The “term” is just the length of time the interest rate is locked in. The entire life of the mortgage is the “amortization”. What she is saying is with rates this low she would like to see 10 year term mortgages to lock in todays low rates. The mortgage can still be up to 35 (not 40) years or more.

Also, with a low rate 10 year term the stress test is pretty much unnecessary and would allow thousands of young people to qualify for a mortgage.

Your claim: “She claims to want to solve housing by eliminating foreign ownership, but fails to explain how this will solve the problem of availability and cost.”

The answer could not be simpler. It is a supply and demand equation. Eliminating many of the purchasers (demand), the supply would therefor increase and lower prices. Accounting 101.

We get it. You don’t like the CPC but that may be because you don’t understand what they are trying to do. Do your research first.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sharkmeister
Fedup Conservative

All of my conservative friends and I don’t like them either so what’s your point? Where do you get the idea that they are conservatives when they are Reformers. Have you forgotten how Erin O’Toole was promising to gut our Public Health Care system when he was first elected as head of the Conservatives, like Reformer Stephen Harper tried to do? We know it got him kicked out of office.
Haven’t you noticed what Reformer Kenney, a good buddy of O’Toole’s has been doing to Albertans? There is certainly nothing conservative about any of them so why are you supporting them?


Your not reading carefully but with preordained thoughts in your mind! No where did I say I like or support the Conservatives. Your just making assumptions. I am simply pointing out the flaws in the original writers disorganized comments.

Fedup Conservative

I certainly agree with what you saying about the mistakes about mortgages after providing them for 32 years , but maybe you had better start making yourself a lot clear because you definitely made it sound that you were defending her
In your opinion what exactly are they trying to do because none of us agree with it. It doesn’t help anything.. Anyone who knows anything about providing mortgages knows if you cancel the stress test you will end up with a lot of foreclosures.
Read my comments about the Canadian Wheat Board that Reformer Harper privatized. Snowman seemed to think farmers wanted it. The farmers I have know didn’t.


This is why a ten year term is a good thing. It will disprove your comment. “Anyone who knows anything about providing mortgages knows if you cancel the stress test you will end up with a lot of foreclosures.” The stress test is a good tool for shorter term mortgages.
ps. I probably know as much or more about mortgages than you do. I gave out mortgages for 35 years! The last 10 years I did nothing but mortgages and probably did 5,000 or more.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sharkmeister
Fedup Conservative

It doesn’t matter what these phony conservatives, REFORMERS, do to Albertans and Canadians we still have stupid seniors who are willing to let them do it. My senior conservatives friends and I can’t believe how stupid they truly are.
As a lawyer friend would say “If you don’t want to be called stupid, stop acting that way”.