September 12th, 2024

Do Harder signs show desperation?

By Lethbridge Herald on September 1, 2021.


I’m beginning to change my mind.

The election gets called and Rachael Harder signs start springing up along the major thoroughfares like weeds after the rain.

“O.K.” I figured “she’s got three campaigns worth of signs stacked up in a storage locker somewhere and a sign war is easier than going door knocking. 

Then I read the polls. The Tories in Alberta are down something like 20 points from the last election. Jason Kenney is down even more but that’s walking dead territory so maybe, just maybe, all those signs aren’t signs of complacency but of desperation. 

The federal Tories can read those same numbers and they’re going to be pouring funds into every yellow dog riding in the country because, you never know – those numbers means nobody in the party’s a safe bet this election.

So we see enough lawn signs to stretch from here to the Monarch overpass.

All on the public boulevards, though.

You get off the main roads and “Save Our Water and Our Healthcare and Our Education” is winning that sign war hands down.

Maybe those signs are along Mayor Magrath and Scenic because they can’t get takers on the front lawns where the voters actually live.

Just saying.

Ken Sears


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Another ignorant letter using opportunity to slam a candidate. Democracy is allowing people the freedom to run for office. Mr. Sears needs to show respect for a change.


I think you are dreaming Ken.
Her signs might show support and a huge volunteer base. Are you jealous?


You know that nice feeling you get ‘just imagining if’ after buying a Lotto ticket … that’s how I felt reading this nice letter.
Imagine if the electorate in the Lethbridge region considered voting differently. If the knew she voted:

No to a 1% tax on wealth over $20 million (the undertaxed).

No to expanded access to MAID (medical assistance in dying).

No to removing profit from long-term care.

No to universal dental care.

No to financial support for families and students during the pandemic.

No to aligning federal laws to acknowledge the UN’s Rights for Indigenous Peoples.

No to stopping conversion therapy.

No to ‘climate change is real’ and national targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Imagine voting someone into parliament who cared more about people than corporations.

Guy Lethbridge

Here Here Sophie…

Just proves; if you painted a goat “tory blue”, we’d elect it.


Agreed. They’ve totally gone missing the last while and lo and behold, respectable and reasonable people are stepping up to lead us weary people in this province with the lowest vaccination rate and the worst response to every wave, perversely refusing a vaccine passport to placate their base that gives a new meaning to the word, even though it’s what most want to keep the economy going (supposedly the UCP’s wheelhouse.) Clearly they would have preferred to just let it all rip from the beginning) spark our hope. We watched Dr. Bonnie Henry last night on the news and felt so envious….


Good letter Mr. Sears.
The point about not wanting to knock on doors makes sense. Remember how conservatives were the first candidates EVER to actually blow off riding debates? Just not show up? Talk about no respect.
They were also the very first political party to do “attack ads.” I remember it well because of it being a first; the ad made fun of Jean Chretien’s facial tic (the result of a stroke at birth apparently?) Again, respect? Flies right in the face of it…
Both of these are good examples of wanting to project an Alberta “rogue” vibe I suspect, which is always a bit tricky (it’s easily dismissed and rightly so, as silly and/or juvenile) but it’s especially so when you can only really aspire to being a rogue on a leash because you’re trying to be both evangelical AND libertarian simultaneously. Kind of like sucking and blowing. It’s one of the essential contradictions of current conservatism, along with winning government in order to “kill the beast.”

Fedup Conservative

Blue and Montreal 13 They would support any fool who called himself a conservative. While these stupid Alberta seniors find it smart to hurl their sarcastic comments and anyone who isn’t as dumb as them we have intelligent seniors making some good points. Lets hope there enough of us to kick out these damn reformers this this time.
If you don’t want to be called stupid , stop acting that way. Start listening to people who are a lot smarter than you.


I have never been a Harder fan and never will be.