February 25th, 2025

Gov’t needs to implement vaccine passports for safety of everyone

By Lethbridge Herald on September 4, 2021.


So here we are, approaching the two-year mark since COVID-19 began affecting our lives in an extreme way. We have ridden the ups and downs of quarantines, mask by-laws and demonstrations both for and against health protocols. 

Then came along vaccines against COVID-19 and most of us felt a sense of relief that maybe now we could get back to a more normal way of life. Not! The anti-vaxxers are determined to prolong this pandemic to the point that variants of COVID-19 are affecting even the fully vaccinated people. 

Thankfully they are not dying however, the longer we go with only a slight majority of people being vaccinated, the likelihood of a variant coming about that will overcome the vaccines. I read a comic strip the other day of a wife stating to her husband that thank God there wasn’t this type of resistance to the polio vaccines back in the 1950’s. We would still be fighting that terrible disease today! 

Governments need to mandate vaccines passports so that those people who are “sitting of the fence” in respect to getting the vaccine will get on with it. 

This is proving to work when you look at B.C., Ontario and Quebec. 

The passports come with a new set of concerns; however, those can be worked out while life gets back to normal. 

So how many more variants and infection waves do we have to endure until those people who refuse to get vaccinated because of something they read on FaceBook or Twitter get the message that we are all in this together? 

I want my life back so let’s work together to get this pandemic under control, please! 

Kent Perry


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