July 26th, 2024

Anti-vaxxers disrespectful of our freedoms

By Letter to the Editor on September 11, 2021.

The conduct of the people who are protesting COVID vaccinations, is disgusting,to say the least. They are exhibiting not only a lack of civility but also a severe deficiency in brain power.
Don’t they understand that in a civil society, no one has a right to absolute freedom? Our freedoms end when our actions start hurting other people. In this particular case, if they do not receive vaccination, they are infecting other people who are making sacrifices to curb the further spread of COVID-19, especially the Delta variant, that happens to be much more contagious and more difficult to treat. People may be asymptomatic and yet infect others by carrying the virus.
The point is that if the protesters do not want to be vaccinated, why don’t they stay at home rather than create violence and disrupt other people’s lives. If they are upholding some principle, they have to face consequences in case they get fired from their job.
What has truly shaken me, is the violence and stone throwing at Justin Trudeau. Violence comes from anger, anger comes from not having your way.These spoilt, arrogant, brats believe that they have the right to impose their values on others. And they can legitimately throw stones if others do not oblige.
The question is what the protesters think they can achieve by their unruly conduct. Why don’t they use their democratic rights to vote against all the party leaders who are campaigning in the elections and are in favour of vaccinations?
So, protesters, do your protesting by voting democratically and peacefully: that is a freedom and right you do have .
Just try to remember that you are not the only one living in this country. Others abide here as well and have the right to live a healthy life.
Ramma Sawhney

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Fedup Conservative

Well said Ramma. Sadly when you have guys like Don Trump and UCP MLAS , along with newspaper editors encouraging this type of stupidity this is what you get.


And don’t forget our Coucil members, Mauro and his posse of two.

I would like to see the candidates for City Council declare if they have been fully vaccinated. It would indicate their mental and social fitness for office.


Anything to out the con sensibility clearly lurking in council, as it unfortunately does everywhere, but many do get vaccinated to protect themselves, always their main focus, so how about their view on masking mandates instead, something that to reasonable people is a no-brainer, but has obviously been a point of contention with current con/libertarian council members? But the best one might be their view on vaccine passports because Kenney is still holding the line (although he will cave) on that one, meaning it’s more salient for his freedumb base (which regularly gives new meaning to the word….)


Vaxed or not is not your business and has no bearing, except, if we conclude that the person is a critical thinker.


While we are at it Sophie, let see yours for polio, small pox, and others. Toss in Covid shots for good measure. Oh yeh, you will have to show them to vote.


Pretty good ideas, buckwheat. After all, democracy is premised on an informed public.

We could even add a basic civics test, reading comprehension and numeracy skills for all candidates. We might then avoid councillors who repeat ‘no’ like chimps at a typewriter.


Laugh emoji here, I like that idea, especially the reading comprehension one, although they have to read in the first place, so as with Sara Palin, ask what publications they read, or if not, then what ARE their go-to sources exactly? (Online should automatically disqualify them.)
This reminds me of Jon Stewart’s description of the GOP as the party of NO!! Remember that, and he’s show a clip of that one senator yelling NO! Cracked us up every time.


Quoting Jon Stewart as a credible source relegates your comments to the celebrity idiot culture. Good Job


Although subjective, a sense of humor is generally seen to be derived from a sense of proportion or perspective, which also explains why conservatives are such a humorless bunch. Avidity is the problem, the common undermining factor.
“Do not be afraid of NO, who has so very far to go.” That’s you guys on the right, staking out heroic, last-ditch stances for “freeDUMB” with zero actual legs to stand on. The very essence of “trumpiness.”
And although “idiocy” is also highly subjective, given that it’s an inevitability with the internet, most reasonable people would at least prefer one that’s somewhat entertaining. Obviously that is NOT what the current right wing is, not even a little bit.


one question, when you got your jab, did you ask how it worked, and did you get an answer. prudent people would want to know what goes in there bodies. and you quoted polio, small pox, which when injected or sugar cubed, we new it would work, what they are suggesting we use does not even meet the definition of a vaccine, but is an injection of gene therapy and aborted fetuses stem cells and was not tested but declared for emergency use.


after 17 months of media blitz about a pandemic that was not, many people are fearful t the extent that they will do anything to quell this fear. To this extent, they will welcome an experimental “Vaccine” into their body with no knowledge of what it does. This injection does not meet the definition of a vaccine, since it does not prevent infection, nor does it prevent transmission. what it has done is create the delta version. Also, most of the people that are getting covid-19 are vaccinated. This information is just coming to light now. It was available many months ago but was suppressed. This whole scenario seems like the enhanced acts of Hitler, and it has worked in turning people against each other, as is evident by this letter.


excellent entry, phlush.


 “”Also, most of the people that are getting covid-19 are vaccinated. This information is just coming to light now. It was available many months ago but was suppressed. “”

Instead of cutting and pasting some broken paragraph, provide a source for your claims.

John P Nightingale

I am one of “They”.
Let’s see what P has to say: “Creates the Delta variant”, “It does not prevent infection”, “It does not prevent transmission”, “It is gene therapy”, “It is not a vaccine”, “A suggestion that “I” do not understand what the vaccine is, “Most people getting the disease are unvaccinated”.
WRONG ON ALL COUNTS: Please quote your sources for any or all of the references mentioned above. Before you answer (if you answer) , note that I am not suggesting all vaccines prevent ALL infections – none of them do including COVID vaccines.
The only thing correct is the reference to “aborted fetuses”. That is true but collected years ago from fetuses that were not aborted specifically for stem cells. Even the Catholic Church has recognized COVID vaccines usage.
Referring to “enhanced acts of Hitler” , a favourite of the anti vaxx crowd, is beyond the pale. Insulting to those who were exterminated by Hitler”s determined efforts for a “pure (white) race”.
I suspect that one of your poster boys would be the now thoroughly disgraced Andrew Wakefield. Remember him? The likely inspiration for the rabid anti vaxx crowd.


“Boys.” Key word.

John P Nightingale

Note: Plushie stated that “most of the people getting COVID are VACCINATED” . Contrary to what I said above.


I found it, now its up to you. A hint Massachusetts out of 494 cases 74% were vaccinated

John P Nightingale

Typical. Read the entire article(s).
The overall current figures are:
Cases 787000
Vaccinated cases are 27777
Do the math
0.004% of those vaccinated have died
0.02% of those vaccinated are hospitalized.
0.61% of 4.7 million vaccinated persons are “breakthrough”.
Certainly there are breakthroughs but cutting and pasting a single , solitary figure to back up your claims is simple false.
England reported vaccination reduced risk of infection by “50 to 60%”. The overall prevalence was three times higher in unvaccinated verses vaccinated. (1.2 verses .4 %). Plus the viral load was less.
Our premier last night stated similar conclusions regarding vaccine efficacy.
Not perfect but contrary to you conclusions cited above, this is a vaccine and it works , not 100% , especially with a delta variant circulating but the protection to the patient and , more importantly the population at large is noteworthy.


Pathetic, flushie

John P Nightingale

As per usual, you have not posted anything resembling my question concerning “sources”. No surprise , since I am still waiting a reply /answer to similar requests a couple of weeks ago.


You’re LIAR, flushie.
You don’t back up what you spew.

Last edited 2 years ago by h2ofield

it is the mouthiest among the vaxed that have proven utterly disrespectful of freedom.

Last edited 2 years ago by biff

::::rolleyes:::: smh.


The “mouthiest among the vaxed”…. like the scientists you mean….


no – like the know-very-littles that are vaxed that act like they very much, and who support the very idea that people do not have sole right to their body. it is beyond comprehension.
as for scientists, believe it or not, “experts” are debating everything, scientists, doctors, political thinkers: it is just that the narrative is hugely under the control of mass media, and mass media is under the control of the most socio/psychopathic neo-capitalist/autocrat/oligarchs.
of course time will tell; the real concern is what significant events will come to bear during the chunk of time. meanwhile, a tiny fraction of the world pop dies, most of them the uttermost vulnerable, and what gets trumpeted by yellow journalism is the minuscule number of the seemingly robust that die. and i already know where you stand on freedom: totalitarian affronts to freedom are just swell so long as they support your preferences. good luck with that.


So, how much time has to go by before us vaccinated can say “told you so, idiots, thanks for keeping the pandemic alive”.
3 months after the jabs and no ill effects here.


you haven’t noticed but your personality has changed for the worse. gene therapy at work.


And as in your case, the dumb gets dumber.


the unvaxed are NOT keeping covid alive; however, the vaxed may well be fomenting its incredible capacity to mutate numerous times already in such a short time. think: why would it “need” to mutate if it was already having an easy time finding hosts?
3 months?! you think that is long? glad you are not working for health canada…mind you, there is a complicit, weak, and self serving entity. these vaxes – every one of them – came to market in a rush, with years less process than is typical and acceptable. let us get back in 5 and 10 years for a more honest and accurate assessment.
by the way: each and every one of these cos demanded and received complete immunity from any and all liability related to the vaxes. they have not stood behind their products – why? and yet, they have each made billions of dollars, and in an extremely short time frame…not like they did anything for the team and such. COMPLETE IMMUNITY. and, given that about 25% of new cases of covid are with double vaxed, seems like their immunity is quite a bit better than yours.
that said, you made a choice: that is to say, you exercised your free right to ingest what you feel serves you best. others are invoking their equally free right to not ingest some things. you now feel safe because you took a vax; others feel safe not taking the vax. if you are right and they are wrong, they perish and you go on. what do you, and too many others now, not understand about one’s sole and inalienable right to one’s body?


“”mind you, there is a complicit, weak, and self serving entity. these vaxes – every one of them – came to market in a rush, with years less process than is typical and acceptable.””


Last edited 2 years ago by h2ofield