February 25th, 2025

Anti-vaxxers the reason for new measures

By Letter to the Editor on September 15, 2021.

I would like to expand on Dennis Bremner’s excellent letter pointing out that some people don’t trust the COVID-19 vaccination but are willing to take an unproven horse de-wormer. I just don’t get these people and how their brain works or more to the point, doesn’t work. Let me spin this in another direction.
The ranting and raving that these “everything is a conspiracy” people, whom are protesting lock-downs, mandatory mask wearing et cetera, are the very people that are causing these measures in the first place!
If they had just followed the rules for an appropriate time, we wouldn’t have to take these measures. Do you get it?
I didn’t think so. Sometimes you just can’t reason with a wild horse on de-wormer meds.
Jason Kenney, whom I believe would like to see us have a private health care system, might try an experiment.
If someone comes to the hospital for treatment because they tested positive for COVID-19 and had refused to be vaccinated without a legitimate reason, they would be informed that they will have to pay for any and all treatment. If they don’t have the cash to pay, the government would seize their properties, such as homes and vehicles. One more thing.
About that $100 to get vaccinated, Mr. Kenney obviously never heard the old saying that I learned in sales many, many years ago: “The fear of loss, is far greater than the opportunity to gain”.
An example would be: Johnny won’t eat his veggies.
Mom could say, “Johnny, if you eat all your veggies, you will grow up big and strong” or Mom could say, “Johnny, if you don’t eat all your veggies, you will not be able to go to the Calgary Flames game tomorrow”.
Which one do you think would work better?
Doug Cameron

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