By Letter to the Editor on December 8, 2021.
Re: Readers’ Forum, Dec. 3:
The whole page gave me a chuckle and angered me at the same time. The chuckle came from the cartoon of UCP Premier Jason Kenney sitting on Santa’s knee asking for a much higher approval rating with Santa’s reply being “I do magic, not miracles.”
Next came our Conservative MP Rachael Thomas’s letter from the Hill entitled “When the government spends, you pay.” Basically more of the blaming, finger pointing, denials of what has been really happening over the past few years.
There has never been a plan in place by Conservatives to deal with anything whether it be climate change which has affected the supply chains, food prices, and a larger population to feed and house.
I have found this to be somewhat disturbing that Conservative governments have constantly reminded those affected by weather disasters, COVID relief programs, employment or health issues refer those to federal Liberal support programs. Then those same Conservative governments blame Liberals for spending too much and printing money.
I for one have been grateful for the current feds for dealing with these issues because they’ve been hit with so much rather than the constant denials and blame.
Admittedly a few missteps have been made, but at least they’ve dealt with these issues.
At the bottom of that page was an editorial about the recent B.C. floods and the summer drought which challenged the food supply chain and our own responsibility towards dealing with this ever changing world as well as what governments can and can’t do.
C. Rollack