September 14th, 2024

SSIG vision doesn’t seem to represent all residents

By Lethbridge Herald on January 22, 2022.


Social Services Integration Group is supposedly tasked by the City to provide a plan of Social Services and locate them for Lethbridge. 

I submitted a 27-page plan to the SSIG that explains the needs and wants of some of the Blackfoot Confederacy in regards to Indigenous addiction treatment.

 My plan provides a suggested location on the border of the reserve with a rudimentary design and stated purpose. 

I have talked at length with numerous Elders of the Blackfoot Confederacy and put their wants in a submission that includes an addiction housing facility at their borders.

 I have also addressed a homeless housing facility located in the city. 

I know now (after five weeks) that the plan has finally reached SSIG because one of the members of SSIG emailed me directly to thank me for the submission. 

My two previous submissions even though cc’d to them directly on Dec. 12, never got to the chairman of this group, or they did, and have not been acknowledged as received. I have no idea why!

I know that SSIG is planning out social services and needs a location; my plan affects those services and certainly their location! 

The interesting thing is I have a slide from a presentation that was made by/for a committee that outlines where the Community Care Campus (CCC) is to be. 

The slide clearly shows the entire campus located between 2nd Avenue North at Stafford Drive all the way up to 5th Avenue North, also on Stafford. 

My plan would change some of those items in that location! I have no idea what the SSIG timeline is, but I would think three to five years. 

My plan creates a home (not a shelter) for the homeless and a home not a shelter for the addicted to be hopefully completed by November/December of this year!

SSIG has tabled a Nov. 18 document (City website) saying, and I quote “The SSIG is composed of community members who can provide collective wisdom and diverse perspectives that are representative of key sectors within the City of Lethbridge” currently representing numerous organizations.

These include a long list of non-profits and churches and a diversified group of businesses and citizens. 

The BRZ, Chamber of Commerce, London Road Neighbourhood Association (LRNA), Westminster Village Association,(WVA), are the main players and some minor players are included in the letter.

I find this interesting because the location of services in the square block encompassing 2nd Avenue North to 5th Avenue North on Stafford does not include any of the surrounding businesses/residents within 500 metres of the immediate impact area, because they appear to be using the neighbourhood associations who, appear to not be communicating with them.

How do I know? I called them! Do individual residents and businesses know that SSIG is using their associations to move ahead? 

Has the stated “representation” of BRZ, the Chamber and others, been mis-interpreted as support for running with this location?

 I have searched every possible place to find where the SSIG has studied any other location and found none! 

The only thing I have is the slide, titled “Lethbridge Community Care Campus” with a picture of the “19 acres in Broadview District”, from Alpha House to 5th and Stafford, subdivided into various building lots for services!

So I now ask for businesses and residents alike, to call and question their representative organizations, and demand they be kept up to date and informed as to all the locations they have considered and, the criterion each one obviously failed, to arrive at what appears to be a single choice?

My plan considers the Blackfoot Confederacy first! 

Their wants and needs to access their children by their parents and support groups! 

The Blackfoot Confederacy wants their people treated in traditional ways using traditional healing techniques, not our way in the concrete jungle of a city! 

My plan obviously benefits the Blackfoot Confederacy but it also benefits Lethbridge, businesses and residents! 

It does no harm to anyone including all of the downtown! 

My plan gives addicts a home, not a shelter, at a fraction of the cost for downtown facilities! 

The SSIG plan seems to have a vision that does not represent the residents and caters to what other cities always do, which is to embed everything downtown and watch it, businesses, and residents implode!

I am a belligerent person (I am worse) but come by this naturally! I have chosen pain over drugs, I suffer it every day!

 I understand what it is like to be addicted and I understand why the Blackfoot Confederacy wants their children back! 

One Elder used the term “Residential Schools Part 2” in describing what he sees being planned by Lethbridge committees!

 I do not agree, but the point is made! Wake up Lethbridge, speak up, it’s your city!

Dennis Bremner


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You say, “Wake up Lethbridge, speak up, it’s your city!”… you’re right it is my city and I want it back. What’s ruined the city is obvious – lost souls everywhere; staggering around, loitering and stealing; filling our downtown core with a bad vibe; contributing absolutely nothing to society- only taking from us taxpayers. Drug and alcohol addicted indigenous have become a drag on our society and the more that move in the greater the problem. I can’t imagine the toll its taking on our Police and EMS service – they are run off their feet dealing with these losers. Ironically, we need a permit to go on their reservation; yet they come here willy nilly. Given all the problems they bring, it’s time we had the same rules – ‘entry by permit only’. If they wish to stay it should be by application (with #1 criteria that they have something positive to contribute including job prospects). It should also be on a probationary term; if they make trouble they leave. Time to implement tough and reclaim our city.


It is rare that someone would publicly share their ignorance in such a forthright and transparent manner.
First of all, Lethbridge doesn’t belong to you… it is a community that overwhelmingly rejects your racist notions of superiority.
Second, it is essential that we all recognize the fact that indigenous people occupied this area before anyone else.
Third, there are multiple generations of indigenous people who have lived in Lethbridge for many decades longer than 90% of the population who live here now. Many have raised families, achieved professional accomplishments and contributed in many ways.
Finally, who do you think produces and supplies the alcohol and drugs that have been a plague to all races and cultures? (Hint: it rhymes with Betty White).
I suggest you slither back under whatever rock you crawled out from under until you get some basic education and learn to accept that it’s not all about you. Or just FOAD.

old school

Mr Bremner doesn’t own the city ,but as a tax paying ,contributing member of society, he is entitled to an opinion,first of all,and he has obviously put a lot of thought into potential solutions.
Learjet asks who “produces and supplies alcohol- -“,while the consideration ,blame actually, should be on those who abuses substances.
Stop passing the buck ,put the blame on a persons poor choices.

Dennis Bremner

See if you feel the same way after reading through this site If you still feel the same way come back and tell us, if you do not, then come back and apologize.


Thank you Very much for keeping us enlightened and hopeful for the future. Personally, if they Do decide to further social services on the 19 acres of land that you speak of (which is not a secret) I only hope that this area becomes a SOBER area that would include shelter, a soup kitchen, housing for women and children and others, where supportive services are accountable to getting these people back on track. It would be an area of Hope and Safety for this forgotten ‘type’ of homeless. What I Love most about your idea is, the families could visit their children and more easily support them with their traditions and culture but give them a Home at the same time!  Excellent that your idea could be accomplished by next winter’s snowfall and not have to wait years before ‘wet’ housing becomes available in Lethbridge (whether emergency or not). Just imagine the relief that will bring to them, their loved ones and the citizens of Lethbridge! If the individual decides to choose sobriety they would be safely intoxed/detoxed, and would have a choice of going to the Kainai treatment center or Fresh Start (for example) knowing that even more beds are on the way. If they do not choose sobriety, that is totally their choice. But at least they have a home and will be forever sheltered. I realize both Christian based non-profits and social services have done wonderful things for them but are they actually healing them? The Indigenous’ Creator is a Much different way of worship then that of Christian, so we Must offer their culture’s traditions healing processes with the Blood people’s help. Both shelters could be awarded to the best proposal who responds to the tender. Again personally, I would prefer the dry shelter to not be attached to one religious base. Please let’s come together on this for the sake of the children and those also who may be following this unfortunate path. Once sober, both the Blood and Lethbridge can support them with long-term supportive sober housing and accountable services to help them transition back into the life that they were always meant to live.  

Last edited 2 years ago by bladeofgrass
Citi Zen

And the embattled taxpayer gets hit yet again….. Enough, already!

Fedup Conservative

I want to thank Dennis for trying to do something about this problem. I bet the Indians appreciate it. I’m in Alberta today because of the way my Indian relatives were treated in the U.S. Cherokee Trail Of Tears.


Poor Mr. Bremner. It’s very clear from your pubic posturing that you are consumed by hate. Now we know why. Hopefully you can address your own pain issues instead of spreading your suffering to others with your toxic messaging. Get your own act together before telling the rest of us what we should be doing because if you were successful people would be attracted to what you say instead of repelled.


So what better solution do you have. He is not telling anyone to do anything. You’re misguided. He is offering up a different methods of delivery

Dennis Bremner

See if you feel the same way after reading through this site If you still feel the same way come back and tell us, if you do not, then come back and apologize.