January 14th, 2025

Artur Pawlowski should be revered for his actions, not vilified

By Lethbridge Herald on February 23, 2022.

People of Southern Alberta can be forgiven if the name Artur Pawlowski, doesn’t roll freely off the tongue, but the name should. Why? Because this man has saved more soles through his ministry, and the near single handed delivering of essentials of life to the Calgary and areas homeless, and destitute, than perhaps anyone in Alberta. He should be an honoured citizen. But no, as he’s found there’s little reward in the saving business when you’re drowning in unions in concert with civic authorities inventing new laws and ways to stifle unfavourable voices. Life took another unfortunate turn for the good pastor when he, after addressing protestors at Coutts, was arrested. Authorities wrongly stated he participated “in the freedom blockade.” He spoke. Thousands of people “participated” across this country and few were arrested or denied bail. Amazingly, seven of 12 people arrested at Coutts (after police discovered “13 high powered long arms, assorted handguns, a large quantity of ammunition, and body armour”) were promptly granted bail and went on their way – no problem. Preacher Pawlowski went home too – escorted to Calgary and prison where he was held captive, no bail (at time of writing this editorial) for Artur Pawlowski. 

Every day we learn from our media, watching helplessly, as really bad people, some “repeatedly” committing serious criminal acts like – assaulting security guards, thrashing machinery – crushing buildings etc, as happened recently at a Gaslink site in B.C. Most of these criminals walk free, some gifted “cashless bail” before ink dries on an incident report. I have a file on these disgusting failures in our judicial system six inches thick! Not one of them triggered the Emergency Measures act, like a line of trucks on Parliament hill did. As of Feb 17/22 Palowski sits in prison, said to be to dangerous to release. Can you believe such government overreach & tyranny is happening in Canada – totally because the PM, refuses to talk. The crown states Pawlowski “will reoffend and undermine the publics confidence in the administration of justice.”. Folks aren’t you, like me, troubled by burning churches, drug dealers laughing at the law, and judges who fail citizens from coast to coast. Don’t we need to fear the loss of freedom of worship, speech and expression, and everything good we grew up cherishing in this once great country – the land where government represented the electorate and “freedoms” were a given! 

Sadly, those days are history!

A.W. Shier


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Though I think timely shoe repair is important, Artur should spend a reeducation period in one of Trudeau’s torturous gulags that are springing up all over the country.

Fedup Conservative

Yesterday at coffee the true conservatives in the group were all praising Trudeau for how he has handled this stupidity. We were all glad he was on our side instead of these stupid Reformers praising these truckers for creating this mess. You can bet they would have had no problem with them stock piling a lot more weapons to be used on anyone who wasn’t dumb enough to support them.

Fedup Conservative

While Jason Kenney gives away $9.4 billion in corporate to his rich friends he plans on forcing seniors into paying for a privatized health care system. He claims it won’t cost anymore, and we know you would have to be a damn fool to believe him. The money has to come from somewhere.

John P Nightingale

This is the same “preacher”, arrested countless times for openly defying common sense public health orders. Chanting “Nazi” and “Gestapo” during his arrest last year whilst insisting on worshiping his god, along with an overflowing congregation all maskless and no doubt not vaccinated. Freedom to worship is indeed a right but worshipers sometimes must forgo that “right” for the betterment of all – something Christ himself would surely approve.
(That those found with weapons at Coutts should be languishing in jail is not in question.)
The writer should read Gom’s letter also in today’s Herald, for a more nuanced version of the so called “Freedom Convoy”.


The people to be revered are the people doing things for society that you don’t hear about. The A. Pawlowski’s of the world do these things for themselves. Maybe they do help some people along the way but that isn’t why they do it. They do it to be somebody. I think they are nutjobs. A real religious fanaticism came to light during the Coutts nonsense. Their vision of society sure doesn’t jive with mine.


Better to be joined together under the banner of freedom than taken away one by one under the banner of tyranny. The people of Canada have suffered greatly during the Covid lockdown and mandate responses. In good conscience, citizens like Pastor Artur, who have been serving the community for decades, stood for freedom. Freedom is an essential God-given right not to be trampled on by the government or anyone else. So for this pastor to be sitting in jail is a travesty. As Trudeau sits on Parliament Hill red zone commanding arrests, seizures of property, freezing of bank accounts and contemplating his next move, people still have the same struggles and concerns. They want their freedom back, including Pastor Artur.

Elohssa Gib

So, if a person doesn’t believe in God, or in your interpretation of God, does that mean they don’t have freedom? Can a “sovereign” person enjoy something (e.g., freedom) that emanates from an entity they don’t acknowledge exists?


God exists whether you believe in him or not. No government should have the power to suppress their people’s basic human rights such as life and liberty. In the case of Covid, the right to worship, assemble, live, work, move about without government interference. And when a citizens rights are not being respected, then citizens have a right to speak up. In a free society, the people have a voice. Leaders become tyrants when they begin to suppress the voice of the people.


Empty the prisons, sbaldwin hath spoken: the State has no right to infringe on either life or liberty.