February 25th, 2025

Growing climate alarmism is ignoring science and data

By Lethbridge Herald on March 4, 2022.


Early in his latest presidential campaign, Joe Biden exuberantly proclaimed “I choose truth over facts”. Though humorous at the time, these five words actually exposed the core of the Left’s playbook.

 For example, in promoting most of their virtuous pet projects such as anti-racism, climate change alarmism and its co-dependent renewable energy industry, let’s just say that they have been very careless with the truth. Facts and empirical data don’t matter, they just get in the way. On the subject of climate, it’s difficult to overstate the fraudulent efforts in promoting climate change nightmares to achieve the intended results. 

There is a long list of characters who will not be treated well by history because of their collective efforts to mislead a trusting society on such an important topic. 

There have been a litany of lies promulgated by such characters as John Holdren (Obama’s chief science advisor) who had predicted mass starvation due to overpopulation and global warming by the year 2000 and Al Gore who manufactured the nose-stretching “Inconvenient Truth” movies that were force-fed to our school kids. 

Of course, none of what they’ve predicted ever happened. But were any apologies made to the public or corrections to their theories? Not a chance! As Biden had admitted, the Left’s version of the truth will always trump mere facts. We could all be forgiven for believing that the incidences of hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, floods, wildfires, sea level rise and heat extremes are setting new records based upon what we read and hear daily from our mostly climate-sycophantic media.

 But the reality, based upon easily accessed historical data from the governments’ own agencies, proves otherwise. And because of affordable and abundant energy (mostly from fossil fuels) our infrastructure and lifestyles have become dramatically more resilient to any weather challenges that we do face. 

Well-regarded Swedish environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg recently reported that in spite of alleged climate change in the last hundred years, the annual global climate-related death rate fell from 243 deaths per million in 1920 to the almost nothing in 2020 of one per million. 

This revelation should provide comfort to all but as Lomborg points out “despite this good news, it is unlikely to deter climate alarmism, since it has evolved into a belief system, eschewing data and science for ‘climate justice’.” 

Lynn Thacker

Bow Island

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