February 24th, 2025

The numbers don’t lie

By Lethbridge Herald on April 13, 2022.

A recent letter to the Editor praised Rachael Thomas for “proving” that Trudeau was a “dictator.” A few days later, another writer proved that Ms. Thomas does not understand the definition of “dictator”.
The letter of praise identifies any person who disagrees with Ms. Thomas as “thin-skinned”. I would suggest that the supporters of Ms. Thomas might also be considered “thin-skinned. The letter also states that Shannon Phillips is “obviously unpopular.” In a recent “Roast and Toast” page there were 33 Roasts; in 13 of them Ms. Thomas was the subject (almost 40 per cent)! Are they all “thin-skinned”? That same article showed only four Roasts of the “unpopular” Phillips (0.03 per cent)! Is my definition of unpopular wrong? Or is my math wrong?
I believe the UCP supporters (especially those in West Lethbridge) are somewhat frightened of the next provincial election, and have begun their campaign against their democratically elected and “unpopular” incumbent representative! Proof of this fright is the regular diatribe postings on the “Roast and Toast” page every second or third week about that same “unpopular” representative! The similarities in the wordings of the “Roasts” is astounding! It appears to me that a cabal of voters is orchestrating this campaign, because I cannot believe that there are that many exactly identically thinking persons in West Lethbridge! They may disagree with Ms. Phillips, but for each posting to use virtually similar wording does not seem plausible (unless they were coached!)
E.E. Balay

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