October 8th, 2024

The numbers don’t lie

By Lethbridge Herald on April 13, 2022.

A recent letter to the Editor praised Rachael Thomas for “proving” that Trudeau was a “dictator.” A few days later, another writer proved that Ms. Thomas does not understand the definition of “dictator”.
The letter of praise identifies any person who disagrees with Ms. Thomas as “thin-skinned”. I would suggest that the supporters of Ms. Thomas might also be considered “thin-skinned. The letter also states that Shannon Phillips is “obviously unpopular.” In a recent “Roast and Toast” page there were 33 Roasts; in 13 of them Ms. Thomas was the subject (almost 40 per cent)! Are they all “thin-skinned”? That same article showed only four Roasts of the “unpopular” Phillips (0.03 per cent)! Is my definition of unpopular wrong? Or is my math wrong?
I believe the UCP supporters (especially those in West Lethbridge) are somewhat frightened of the next provincial election, and have begun their campaign against their democratically elected and “unpopular” incumbent representative! Proof of this fright is the regular diatribe postings on the “Roast and Toast” page every second or third week about that same “unpopular” representative! The similarities in the wordings of the “Roasts” is astounding! It appears to me that a cabal of voters is orchestrating this campaign, because I cannot believe that there are that many exactly identically thinking persons in West Lethbridge! They may disagree with Ms. Phillips, but for each posting to use virtually similar wording does not seem plausible (unless they were coached!)
E.E. Balay

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Hmmm. Right. Of course. Classic nasty right wing tactics spawned by the ever more pleasant and fair-minded GOP. Again I would point out that these people underestimate how much Canadians don’t want to be like Americans. Remember Rick Mercer’s segment on his show, “Talking to Americans?” It was a comedy piece because they were so clueless and self-involved that it was shocking. It’s less amusing now…


Right wing – Nasty Left wing – Good , Simplistic nonsense. Totally laughable.!!


You’re old enough to remember how those belonging to the Progressive Conservative party used to be— mostly reasonable, respectable people who didn’t heckle loudly the entire time anyone but their tribe was speaking in the House of Commons, but they have changed quite drastically since the Reform party took them over. It’s quite contradictory because Manning was/is a super Christian, but the infusion of all that religion somehow inspired the first American-style attack ads under Harper, and it went from there to culminate in attack-dog Pierre “Boilievre,” who, I mean come on, takes great PRIDE in being nasty, and is certainly going to become the next leader. No more bland Erin O’Toole types who resemble the old PC’s. At least they’re being honest now; this is who they ARE, who they have become.


I understand, snowflakes cannot stomach a straightforward , honest, and hardhitting debate, on matters crucial to the future of the nation.


Those of us who follow the UCP and NDP on Facebook, will tell you that invariably, the NDP supporters are “using virtually similar wording” in their remarks. I am not “coached” when I respond to any political party. When you make reference to Ms. Phillips, perhaps you will remember the stats, that in West Lethbridge, last election, more voters there voted against her than for her.


Look at the negative votes here. Truth hurts when you put out the facts. 255 votes over someone who never ran before.


You may be right, however Ms. Phillips was democratically elected by a mere 255 votes over another gal who stuck her toe in politics for the first time. Hardly a vote of confidence. Changing 255 minds is nothing.


Remember 255 votes may be only 130 people. 130 votes less for Shannon and assume 130 votes more for UCP and we have a new winner. As for the statistics based on Roast and Toast we do not know the actual number of submissions and how each roast/toast is selected so what to the percentages really mean?? For me I laugh when this paper has Shannon on the front page complaining all the time. Is that really news anymore or at least is it really front page news? All her whining totally turns me off so perhaps I will be one of the 130 to change my vote. Time for NDP and especially Shannon to show some positive energy.


Whining and complaining all the time? That sure sounds a lot like the usual veiled expectation of women generally, that they’re supposed to smile pleasantly and “be nice” somehow, even after being treated with complete disrespect by some rogue, right-to-ride police “officers” who basically got away with it. Let’s see anyone summon “postiive energy” after that.
And how about sitting in this current legislature day after day where early on the ever-respectful UCP pulled the boyish prank of passing out earplugs to their members to block out the “whining and complaining” of all those women MLA’s one assumes?
Elections aren’t just popularity contests, and the difference between a vote for the NDP and the UCP is night and day after all. In the current bleak political climate I give anyone who can withstand the conservatives lots of room because they LIKE the polarization just fine thank you, being the authors of it, a fact proven by the aforementioned “prank.” Who does THAT THERE? They obviously don’t “get” or remotelty respect democracy either.