October 23rd, 2024

There is an urgent need to fix a flawed system in Alberta

By Lethbridge Herald on May 7, 2022.


This letter is a response to Mr. David Carpenter’s heartfelt conviction that Mr. Kaycee Madu should be punished for missing his power when he was Justice Minister.

Mr. Carpenter has chosen to believe the news report that Mr. Madu contacted the Edmonton police chief, Dale McFee, to have his traffic ticket waived. Mr. Madu corrected that version with his statement that he contacted police chief McFee about concerns that the police were failing him.

Mr. Madu stated that it was not about having the ticket dismissed. As a matter of choice, I believe Mr. Madu’s statements.

Mr. Madu’s decisive actions toward our “troubled” local police service, together with their brother police service in Edmonton with their set of problematic behaviours, and the numerous unsavoury actions reported of several Canadian police forces tips the scale of validity into Mr. Madu’s favour.

Mr. Carpenter, how do you feel about our local police service’s incredible amount of misbehaviour and some out-and-out crimes?

No reasonable person can dismiss it as a few bad apples anymore. Will you try using your influence to hold our local police service accountable and support endeavours to make key improvements?

Just to be clear, I am not police bashing but I see an urgent need to address and fix a flawed system.

Esther Urano


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I’m not going to disagree with you on the shortcomings of some police services after all I live in Lethbridge. What I will disagree with you is on how Mr. Madu handled the situation. Mr. Madu is not an uneducated citizen who doesn’t know the procedures he is an attorney and the justice minister who I would hope would know how his phone call could be interpreted. What he did is not a crime despite what Mr. Carpenter has said but showed bad judgement and it was correct to relieve him of the justice portfolio. I encourage the Law Society of Alberta to do a thorough investigation and let the cards land where they may.


I believe Mr. Madu stated at some point that he was NOT on his cellphone with respect to that ticket. Should be a simple matter to check his phone records to confirm whether or not he had made a call during that precise time. That should settle this once and for all.


It’s beside the point of whether he was on his phone, he could’ve been texting or browsing and it wouldn’t show up on his cell phone records. It’s how he used his position. You or I could call the chief of police complaining about a stop and it wouldn’t matter because we have no position of power over the chief, quite different from Mr. Madu. The chief did the right thing thankfully, but what if he didn’t? It would be a much different story wouldn’t it?

Fedup Conservative

Is Esther going to try to make up excuses for former justice minister Jonathan Denis also? You would think that two lawyers would be a lot smarter about obeying the rules and regulations wouldn’t you?

Fedup Conservative

Make certain all of you read this article about how Jason Nixon follows the rules also. Of course he is a hero to Jason Kenney and when his constituents wanted to kick him out Jason Kenney wouldn’t let them.

“The other Jason Nixon’s Rocky Ascent To Power”
It proves what a pack of criminals we have running this province, doesn’t it?

Les Elford
Fedup Conservative

Anyone who tries to kick out the RCMP for daring to investigate them and convinces ignorant Albertans that it will be a lot cheaper to put in a new force , but wants to dump the total costs onto the backs of taxpayers, when Ottawa is paying $180 million towards their annual costs deserves to by kicked out of office. Don’t forget his hero Ralph Klein did exactly the same thing with our power. Trying to put in a police force with him in total control so he can use it against anyone who doesn’t support him proves how dangerous he is, doesn’t it?

Les Elford

Mr. Fedup Conservative

Thank you. Absolutely! It sure does! I couldn’t agree more. And that is just one of a multitude of reasons, he has to go The only thing “grassroots” about this party/cult, is all his aides he imported from Toronto “smoking grass” in the back room offices while they think up “ways to make Alberta better”

AHS is another example of the train wreck that has occurred; 40 “code red” instances in Calgary or Edmonton is just unacceptable. Two – eight hour waits in Emergency in Lethbridge is unacceptable. Doctor shortage and medical professional shortage in Lethbridge and throughout the province is unacceptable.

We allowed deregulation of utilities without enough questions asked or public outcry at the time and now look where we are.

The UCP claim to have been working on fixing AHS for a long time now, with either no tangible results or worsening results.

If you keep using an excuse; like “the dog ate my homework” Eventually you may fail the course. Mr. Kenney and the UCP have failed Albertan’s. The experiment was tried and it hasn’t worked.

It’s time to kiss Mr. Kenney and his pal’s goodbye, let him go back to Ontario and move on.

Fedup Conservative

Great comments. I knew three guys who died in the backs of ambulances when Klein created the same sort of mess. No place to put their patients and a massive lack of doctors and nurses. I helped nine doctors and at least two dozen nurses relocate out of this province when Klein was kicking them around , like Kenney is doing. Not one wanted to go.


well stated.

Les Elford

What if one of the secret agenda’s of the UCP government is the purposeful dismantling/decimation of the provincial health care system, in order to create more private USA like for profit heath care services?

Fedup Conservative

You can bet it is. When Klein tried it Albertans forced him into an early retirement. We know that Pierre Poilievre is no better he was selling Reform Party Memberships for Jason Kenney when he was 16 years old. He has already promised to destroy careers for around 7,500 young people by scraping the CBC and has promised to fire the head of the Bank of Canada blaming him for our high inflation rate when it’s an international problem. You can just imagine if the CBC is too expensive what he is going to do to our Public Health Care System. When Harper promised to cut $36 billion off payments to the provinces to force us into a privatized system Canadians kicked him out of office, and elected Trudeau. Although my conservative friends and I aren’t fans of Trudeau we certainly trust him a lot more than these Reformers. Just look at the mess they have created in Alberta .