September 19th, 2024

NDP support allows Trudeau to implement disastrous policies

By Lethbridge Herald on May 18, 2022.


Rachael Thomas (May 7) has the unenviable front-line task of watching the Trudeau Liberals introduce measures to asphyxiate the Canadian citizen’s autonomy and sovereignty. For years, academics and journalists have warned the Prime Minister’s Office is open to abuse of power. Since 2015 we’ve had an impatient, willful character up top, and he’s definitely making moves now.

He’s without the time constraints that kept previous PMs comparatively scrupulous. The NDP arrangement grants Trudeau and his handlers a three-year majority. So we get disastrous policies.

C-11 expands the CRTC to become Canada’s Internet police, and Rogers, Bell and Telus object to the requirement they track names and addresses, arguing that’s for specific criminal investigations. Bill C-18 saps independent journalism, and as in China and Russia, controls that restrict journalists expand to the population at large: Bill S-7 alters the Customs Act so border agents can extract photos, text messages and emails from Canadian travellers’ phones at will. Why such measures… well, you know why. An obsessive search for enemies is characteristic of a dictatorship.

So is corrupted process: the Emergencies Act inquiry is rigged. Trudeau’s appointed Liberal donor Paul S. Rouleau to confirm, “we made the right decisions in the right way – not just in this situation but also for the years to come where it” (yes, the Emergencies Act) “could be used again.” Trudeau wants the inquiry to be about Canadian citizens who protested – not, as required by the Act, about the decisions of his Cabinet.

The latest run of fiat dollars during global inflation dilutes purchasing power toward disempowerment. Under the affrighted Big Lie that petroleum use will turn Earth into Venus, the Trudeau Liberals weaken mobility with carbon taxes – tripling toward 2030, driving up consumption costs on everything as the loonie progressively flounders.

All from the PMO of Justin Trudeau. The EU Parliamentarians knew what they saw.

“There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it,” Lord Acton warns the “fan club” (Apr. 21). Trudeau Liberal policy constricts our lives. The vain campaign to badmouth Rachael Thomas simply proves she’s right on target.

Tom Yeoman


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Fedup Conservative

Another mindless senior with a run away mind dreaming up all sorts of idiotic comments to convince himself about how much smarter he is than the rest of us.

So would you rather have a Reformer in power promising to destroy jobs, by scraping the CBC, and firing the head of the Bank of Canada , accusing him of the international huge inflation disaster that he has nothing to do with? Praises Trucker for creating a nightmare for the citizens of Ottawa costing taxpayers $36 million and he doesn’t care? Wants to Privatize our health care and education systems forcing Canadians to pay $1,000. per month per child to send them to school and seniors to pay $800. to $1,000.per month each for health care costs, while you watch these Reformers help their rich friends steal our oil and tax wealth like they are doing. I bet they aren’t many senior couples who could afford $24,000. a year for health care, yet that’s exactly what they want to do to you. Maybe these seniors had better wake up and realize what these Reformers stand for, they aren’t anything like the conservatives we proudly supported under Lougheed and Getty.


In answer to all of your questions: YES!


I am FED UP with fed up’s RANT OF THE DAY. Always the same intro of “mindless senior”. You will never convince me, with your endless diatribe, that you are as smart as you think you are.

Fedup Conservative

The big question is why do my comments upset you if you don’t feel guilty about what you have done? A lawyer friend points out “You can call 50 seniors stupid but the only ones you will offend are the ones who feel guilty about what they have done, the rest know you aren’t talking about them. They know who you are talking about”.

Southern Albertan

Perhaps this would be more helpful to understand what our Westminster parliamentary system is/can be, about:
“The Liberal-NDP Agreement Explained. What does the agreement mean for Canadians?”
Canadians will have to adjust to these sorts of agreements when we may be seeing more and more minority governments. Again, this agreement is not, a coalition.

Fedup Conservative

As long as these phoney conservatives, reformers, control our conservative parties this is what we are going to see. The true conservatives in my world aren’t fans of Trudeau but trust him a lot more than these phoney conservatives. Some of my friends have been saying for years How do I vote conservative when they aren’t conservatives anymore. Don Getty told me in 2003 that inviting Ralph Klein into the Conservative party was the dumbest thing he ever did. He was like me we didn’t think Klein would bring Preston Manning’s Reformer Party Polices to the table. We thought he would continue to carry on where Lougheed and Getty left off. I should have known better having known him for as long as I did. The oil industry loved how easy he could be bought. He was great at fooling seniors who were keeping him in office.

Les Elford

Mr. Yeoman
Thank you.
Sadly; democracy appears to be is disappearing in Canada. I wonder when the “Ministry of Truth” will be implemented. The Ministry of Middle Class sure has been successful, hasn’t it? (for the Minister…. I mean)


Fedup, your comments on letters always kick off with insulting others with whom you disagree.
Your contribution to discussions would have far more credibility, and people would pay more attention to what you had to say, if you focussed on the points of the issues rather than relying on name calling and rudeness to represent you.
Being insulting and mean instantly and always comes across as an easy tactic to mask an argument that cannot stand on its own merit.
Not only is it okay to agree to disagree on things, but it becomes even more effective when both sides can disagree while remaining respectful of the other person’s right to their opinions and beliefs, even if they do not align with our own.


When did we go from “I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend your right to say it”.


If I don’t like what you say, I will report you to the authorities, denigrate you in the media and make sure you lose your job!”….and any opology you offer will be disregarded and mocked….

Since Fedup showed up.

Les Elford

Well said buckwheat and Lethrez
editorialize verb

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ed·​i·​to·​ri·​al·​ize | \ ˌe-də-ˈtȯr-ē-ə-ˌlīz  \
Definition of editorialize
intransitive verb
to express an opinion in the form of an editorial
to introduce opinion into the reporting of facts
to express an opinion (as on a controversial issue)

I am surprised and saddened to see some of the responses which appear in the Editorial page.

I understand they may appear in something like Twitter or Facebook, however always presumed an editorial page was there for more civilized discussion. Not personal insults or sarcasm. I can only guess when personal attacks/insults occur, the message is hitting pretty hard and the person has no other objective, intelligent alternate argument or recourse and they simply submit to bullying behavior.

Sadly; somewhat symptomatic of our communication ability and society in general currently I am afraid. But.. it doesn’t have to be that way!

Fedup Conservative

I would suggest you read my above comments. For the past 23 years I have been having coffee with my fellow seniors from all walks of life and over the years the lawyers, accountants, doctors, nurses, teachers, bankers and former MLAs I got to know from Lougheed’s energy minister Bill Dickie being a brother in-law of one my uncles certainly agreed with me.

Fedup Conservative

Please read my comments to Fairness. Six of us true conservatives formed SUN (seniors united now) in 2003. The idea was to travel the province and talk to our fellow seniors about what Ralph Klein was doing to us and why he had to be stopped. Much to our surprise we got called Liars, Traitors, Communists, Liberals, Left-wing nuts, or Closet Liberals and in every case it was seniors who did the name calling and we expected them to be a lot smarter, they weren’t. Yet young Albertans knew exactly what we were talking about and agreed with us.
It confirmed what our retired RCMP friends were saying. Seniors have a horrible reputation for being easy to fool. Politicians and con artists have been making a living at doing it for generations. The Ralph Klein I had known since I was in my late teens certainly proved what a great con artist he was. It didn’t surprise our family that members of his own family tried to help us vote him out, they agreed with us and knew the damage he was doing, now there are articles proving it. We estimate that Albertans have lost around $800 billion thanks to these Reformers, starting with Klein helping the rich steal our oil, gas, and tax wealth and when you compare it to Alaska and Norway it proves it.

Les Elford

I suspect while we were all distracted and looking in the direction this “Federal Government ” wanted us too; the “Ministry of Truth” was quietly and subtly slipped into reality while we were all distracted, at the same time the “Prime Minister” promoted himself to “Big Brother” and appears to have adopted Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” mantra; “You will have nothing, and will be happy”

Canada; the only government on the planet that ignores the critical importance of the oil and gas industry currently and is doing everything to decimate the industry when no other viable current energy infrastructure exists.

The “excuse de jour” is it’s always some thing/some one else’s fault; It’s COVID, it’s the supply chain blockage, it’s inflation (caused by someone something else; i.e. the Ukraine/ Russia war; never out of control government spending; and yet the “government” appears to benefit from higher oil and gas prices. While the average Canadian struggles to purchase food, pay bills, buy gas.

Canada the only government in the world that refuses to dismantle mandates in order to keep us afraid and retain control. (Yet the Prime Minister and cabinet members go to Ukraine for a photo -op and do not feel it necessary to wear a face masks) Perhaps an insignificant act, as they offered more support while there (good on them). Perhaps the other side of the coin would suggest; it’s just another example of hypocrisy and entitlement.

The current Federal Government is exhibiting; perfect textbook dictatorial tactics; make people afraid, take over and control the media, ensure no free objective media exists, eliminate free speech, remove the opportunity for citizens to own firearms, militarize the police, continue to make people afraid make the people dependent on the government for survival and ensure the people do nothing but conform to government doctrine. I wonder when China’s social rating scale will be adopted? The Prime Minister is such a fan China’s governing style. This Canadian government already knows how many times you went to the liquor store of marihuana store. What else do they know or want to know?

This government is characterized by; Corruption, disinformation, propaganda, control, provide no answers, secrecy, penalize any opposition, instill division, divisiveness, tribalism and hatred. No ethics, no honesty, no integrity.

Yes other political parties are not/ have not been perfect. Scandals have happened previously in other political parties as well. Would the PC party be\do any better if they had the opportunity? I really don’t know. I have no affiliation with any political party. It appears political parties of all persuasion’s have decimated any sense of trust and integrity; through their actions and entitlements. “Let them eat Cake”

I have to ask; historically have other political parties scandals and corruption been as significant, and frequent as they have been with this current government?

I hope others will seriously and honestly reflect and ask themselves the same question and ask why do we allow these government policies, practices, and actions to continue?

Kal Itea

Dystopian angst, Les?