October 23rd, 2024

Monkeypox a warning that investments in global health needed

By Lethbridge Herald on June 18, 2022.


Although monkeypox cases continue to swell in Canada and around the world, the virus doesn’t currently seem to have the biological potential to cause the next pandemic. However, this virus’s spread should serve as a reminder to us all how we, as a global community, are inextricably connected and are still very much susceptible to a future pandemic. 

For instance, a recent WHO report found that the world is no better prepared for a new pandemic now than it was when COVID-19 emerged. Thus, it’s becoming more and more clear that investments in pandemic preparedness need to be a priority of governments around the world. 

Fortunately, there are feasible solutions. For example, earlier this year, the Global Fund (GF) initiated its Seventh Replenishment Campaign, which, if fully funded, is expected to save 20 million lives over the next three years, yield a return of $31 for every $1 invested, get the global community back on track in ending AIDS, TB, and malaria, and strengthen the health systems of low- and middle-income countries to ensure a more equitable and pandemic proof future. Therefore, I hope to see Canada meet its past commitment to global health ahead of the Seventh Replenishment Conference, by investing its fair share of CAD$1.2 billion into the Global Fund. 

Garrison Dyck, BSc


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old school

Yield a return of $31 for every 1 dollar invested?
can’t and won’t happen of course ,being run by beurocrats. The WHO’s handling /advice for the covid scamdemic shows the utter incompetence of those involved.


quite right. and, as for the idea that one could get a return of 31:1 on an investment, well, sure, that always works out dandy, right? as for monkeypox itself, the glut of the minuscule number of canadian cases (160-odd) are in quebec (how is this even news, except to keep people in a state of stupid fear…code yellow elevated LOL). it is likely not too much of a leap to wonder whether there is a connection between transmission in montreal and the attendance in bathhouses there. i fully support the idea that consenting adults get to choose; however, for the time being, perhaps, monkeypox may be worth an acknowledgment when considering one’s choices.


Wow, you’re even dumber than old school.


So are you making a similarity between monkey pox to that of AIDS/HIV as the new Gay Plague? How pathetic. Your stupidity is as great as your reaction to vaccinations. I’m willing to bet you would be more likely to vax against monkey pox if it were to become as bad as Covid because it has more visual reactions/symptoms. But then monkey pox is not as readily contagious as covid is and not as deadly.


Your posts show you are an uneducated slob with an IQ of 20 at the most.

Mrs. Kidd (she/her)

Of course nothing will happen if overseen by “beurocrats”.


Mrs. Kidd, this comment is beneath you. Drawing attention to oldschool’s spelling mistake is not only beneath you, but it really is swinging at low-hanging fruit. As a former student, I expect more from you.

Southern Albertan

It might be wise to pay attention to the research indicating that this virus (monkeypox) can be spread in close contact by aerosol. ‘Aerosol’ was a controversial word even in the spread of COVID 19. Powers-that-be did not wish to admit this mode of spread.
Perhaps, an interesting read re: viruses spreading by ‘aerosol’ would be this:
“4 Reasons Why WHO Won’t Admit Coronavirus is Airborne”