September 15th, 2024

Moving bins neither more efficient nor less costly

By Lethbridge Herald on July 16, 2022.


Historically, from when the first garbage pickup was created, it has always been in the back lane. Back lanes were considered places to keep these unsightly bins. Back lanes were specifically constructed for this purpose! 

Now I am being asked to put up to three unsightly bins in my front yard (or on the front street) because “it is more efficient and less costly.” For whom?

Currently I have about three feet of snow to shovel to get my garbage, recycle or compost bin out in the lane for pickup. Now I will be asked to shovel up to 60 feet of snow to get my bins to the front! And this will be asked about three times a week! Are you kidding me? 

It is not more efficient nor less costly to me! It is exactly the opposite! 

Is it more beautiful to have these three gaudy bins displayed on the front street in front of my beautiful front yard with the green grass and my colourful flowers?

When, and if, this becomes a reality, I will graciously deny accepting these bins!



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maybe these bins should have been rainbow to respond to the current wokes. and how about the efficiency in the narrow streets in the new areas with single lame traffic. This was being instigated to lower the cost to developers so they can achieve higher profits, with this being reinforced be trying to reduce the price of housing.


Maybe you could be kinder, phlushie.


reality is what it is

This Red Neck Has No Neck

Your brilliance and wit is unparaleled.