September 13th, 2024

Personal attack on Beeber for column wasn’t called for

By Lethbridge Herald on July 16, 2022.


The nasty, personal attack on Mr. Beeber by Mr. Ryane in his letter to the editor was completely uncalled for.  

It reflects very badly on the judgment of Mr. Ryane.  Mr. Beeber is entitled to his opinions, and in this instance an opinion that is reasonable and quite properly shared by many if not most of the citizens of Lethbridge. 

It is Mr. Ryane who comes across as “self-righteous” and on a “high horse.” 

Mr. Beeber did not through his writings or actions “persecute” anyone and it is hard to imagine why his concerns about public safety are in any way “selfish”.  

R. Dann


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I agree 100%! Many of us are frustrated and sometimes we do get a little carried away with our comments . . . I for one am guilty! I do appreciate that a platform has been provided to allow us to voice our reactions to events freely, within reason. We are losing too many of our freedoms in today’s changing world.
Many of our citizens will not speak out, but are tired of all of the issues they have personally had to face in the last several years. Many have been personally impacted by criminal acts, thefts, vandalism, graffiti and not been able to use local parks anymore, parks their local tax dollars pay. I am one that has had to pay for repairs to my vehicle after it was broke into and for securing property.
We all want solutions and no one wants harm to come to these people. The problem is, that many will end up being on the streets all their lives if we do not get it right. They can adapt easily!
In last 18 months I have been assaulted twice, had multiple threats uttered with attempts to assault, multiple threats uttered, attempts to intimidate while performing my duties at my job. Many are not aware what it is like to deal with many of these people and even with all the training, it happens.
When some of us attempt to show what is actually occurring on our streets, we are attacked.
I have known many that are no longer alive die on these streets, as many that work on the front lines have. Some we allowed to get close to us as we tried to help them reach out for help.
Someone needs to tell the story, the reality on the other side! Many of us talk to these people often and have a better understanding.
We are not experts, but have a great deal of knowledge in specific areas.
When we do not get it right, people die and families are devastated! We know this!
Addiction is not new, but Opioids and Meth magnified the issue! To enable and encourage people to continue in their addiction is wrong!
Every spring and summer we get an influx of young people on our streets, many wanting to go out an experience life as they go through those rebellious and or adventurous years and end up becoming addicts.
We have made the perfect environment for this, while trying to be compassionate by providing all the supports, but this has only made it easier for them to slowly kill themselves. Our hearts were in the right place, but it backfired . . . we need to realize this and focus on the areas of showing compassion that will benefit them.
I have watched Mr. Beeber in action and read many of his news reports and support him and thank him for the great job he does . . . I would assume there are many nasty calls and emails to the Herald by many, including politicians who didn’t like what was written, that many people are not aware of and the letter in question is probably only one of many.
To dedicate oneself to reporting news events in this community for those low wages and be abused many times is something that needs to be recognized and applauded, not attacked.
Thank you for speaking out for us!

Last edited 2 years ago by ewingbt
Les Elford

Thank you for sharing your perspective and experience; ewingbt. I appreciate it . Your caring and compassion is obvious and your message. felt genuine and real. I am so glad you have the courage and capability of doing so.

Your commentary appeared written in an objective manner without the hate filled rants of some of the previous comments from others;….. which conjure up images of middle aged – balding fat men wearing white robes and hoods over their faces, carrying burning crosses, and nooses at the ready to string over tree branches. I am exaggerating a bit obviously, (hopefully)

At times I really do wonder whether we have all undergone a mass psychosis, created by government, once they recognized the opportunity to control and enslave the people; due to mandates, restrictions and isolation.

Mass Psychosis a historical fact which can we researched, and which government has used as part of their play book in the past.

Is it happening again? Could it happen again? I hope not.

Ask yourself; how in the world can crowds of strangers work themselves up into such a frenzy, the stomp some innocent (usually easy target) to death

Perhaps I am being extreme; but compare how the mob acted during the January 4. insurrection in Washington DC, and how the Canadian Freedom Convoy acted while in Ottawa. I would suggest their is no comparison in mob activity.

Yet there are very distinctive similarities in government response. We have now learned the Canadian government officials lied about everything they said about the Freedom convoy. They are able to get away with this unimpeded, because they are “untouchable”

Perhaps the homeless individual is the wrong target, because he is an” easy target”, “easy prey”, Perhaps the real target; is the government. Perhaps we all realize this deep down, yet because we realize the government is “untouchable” and we realize the easy prey is easier to take out all our frustrations, anger, fear, resentment we feel by living in this upside down world because of decisions made and politicians which make no sense, yet we are unable to do anything about it.

In the olden days , the people would address these circumstances by; bringing out the pitchforks and torches ad dealing with the issue. We can’t do that any more because, we are enlightened, progressive, advanced.

But are we really? Why do I feel like the “enlightened ones” are the only who are lucky enough to be “the untouchables” also. The rest of us, well if we are lucky we are not easy targets.

When it feels like the “middle aged fat bald guys with the white sheets and hoods come out, it does not feel we are progressive or progressing but regressing instead.

I hope people consider viewing the Academy of Ideas video found on You Tube below. Perhaps it may add, some perspective on what I am trying to say.


It has been my observation that the new editorial mix at the Herald has been pursuing the age-old lure of yellow journalism. Fewer intelligent articles from experts, professors, ngos, and more if what they now call click-bait.

I’m not surprised that this has elicited the support of our fringe fellow friends.

I would suggest the editorial staff compare today’s paper to one published a year ago to see what I mean. On the other hand, I don’t envy their position trying keep the paper afloat – but maintaining integrity is essential.


I’m not sure the Herald has many “real” journalists on staff anymore. I’ve noticed Beeber has been pressed into services as a commentator, reporter and photographer. I’d not be surprised to hear he has more on his plate and think he has done an excellent job balancing his multiple roles.. The paper as delivered has become court coverage, a few local stories and a lot of news agency stories cut and pasted. One acquaintance summed it up by saying it alternated between being an NDP newsletter and a lesser version of the old Kainai News.
Newspapers are sustained less by money from subscriptions and more from ad revenues. Covid dried up a lot of this money but editorial policy and lack of a viable product also turned off advertisers. The City cut and ran, large retailers are running, smaller merchants don’t see value for ad moneys. When this happens one of 2 things are predictable:
1] the ” owners” inject money to make the operation viable, hiring and retaining reputable and marketable staffers;
2] the paper folds – perhaps becoming a weekly along with Taber and Medicine Hat.
I’m not holding my breath on the first option.

Les Elford

I spoke with a Herald staff member recently, and confronted him about the negativity found within the editorial page and the Roast and Toast. He immediately agreed with me and stated Herald was aware of this concern and; were in the process of attempting to rectify it.

Les Elford

I am just curious. I wonder what the economic impact would be to the City of Lethbridge. If Band Council on both reserves decided they would; no longer continue to do any business within the City of Lethbridge.

What would the Economic Impact be? Surely someone has got to know. I bet Economic Development does.

What kinds of businesses would or could be impacted by such a decision? Would it be; car dealerships? farm Implement dealerships? the hospitality industry? the trades sector? agricultural input sector?, what if the AIM group came up, like they did when the Oldman Dam, was such an issue? (if things get out of control?)

If business was affected, how would that impact employment in those sectors? How would taxes be affected?

How would the social structure be affected ? and /or react?

It appears there may be more; underlying, invisible issues which may require significant serious thought before any decision is made.

Whatever is done, I sure hope it is done with the involvement of relevant Indigenous leaders and voices, and with their approval and acceptance.


In the 90’s a financial survey was done and Blood Tribe alone brought $39, 000,000 into the local Lethbridge economy.

A more recent one was performed and Blood Tribe brings in closer to $100,000,000 annually.

Gotta remember they have around 16,000 members with about 12,000 who live on reserve, with little to no stores or businesses to keep money on their reserve, so whatever money goes in their community immediately bleeds out into the surrounding communities.

pursuit diver

Money is nothing if the city is over-run with addicts and homeless! Downtown businesses died after the SCS opened. Many will not come downtown anymore, tired of damage and thefts from their vehicles and not feeling safe!
If they want to do business eslewhere, let them! It is time we took back our city and good name! We will not be held hostage!


Downtown businesses died when Walmart opened up and undercut everyone. That old idiot George is still selling his boots because local idiots buy from him. Walmart doesn’t sell bongs so BOBS headquarters stays open.

If you can’t hack it in a capitalist society as a business it isn’t because of addicts, it’s because someone does something better than you do.

I go downtown all the time and am completely safe. I double dog dare you to go down there at 3 am and see how empty the place is.

pursuit diver

The attack was uncalled for! The issue has had major impacts on business and the area citizens and needed to be reported. If some city administrators would do the job they were hire to do they would not be an issue to report! So, the fault and comments should be directed to the city administrators that were instructed to carry out their duties and failed to do so, not the person reporting the issue.
We have a great City Council, Police Chief and City Manager, but it appears what we need is fresh administration leadership that has the intestinal fortitude to deal with the isssues needed to take back our city.
Just like any corporation, if you are not willing to do the job, you can be replaced!

Les Elford

Thanks for being big enough for the apology.

I recognize the emotion and frustration people are experiencing. While I don’t know for sure, I suspect many of the homeless are not “living the dream”

I think you nailed it . It is why I have previously suggested; we are picking/ attacking the wrong target. The Homeless are perhaps victims of circumstance, convenient targets. The real people we should be screaming at is the supposed “leaders” and forcing them to lead.

The “leaders” should lead or go home. We cannot should not tolerate excuses, incompetence more surveys etc etc etc again or anymore.

Sounds like Coaldale is possibly going to convince the UCP/AHS into returning EMS control to the town. Bravo for Coaldale.

It is the end of the 9th inning for the UCP. There should be no more games, no more chances with them period. The UCP leaders continue to spout the Kenney UCP chant; of the need for a private police force, private pension system. They are blind, oblivious to what is happening in their back yard and have identified no workable solution.

They have done enough damage. People could still write/call their MLA and interrupt their fund raising campaign time to voice their concerns.

It is long past time for action. Yes the Feds, the City and Indigenous governments need to step up to the plate and lead now.