October 23rd, 2024

Exhibition management needs to solve their own problems

By Lethbridge Herald on December 1, 2023.


With regard to the Lethbridge Exhibition CEO seeking financial help from the City of Lethbridge:

Gross incompetence is the only way I can explain the handling of the expansion costs for the Lethbridge and District Exhibition. To have under budgeted $6,742,315.72 in construction costs and not addressing additional operating expenses of $400,000 is irresponsible and unconscionable.

Any private business would have allowed for contingency hedge monies for construction and they would have been sure they could cover all operating costs. 

They would not have the option of going to city council with crocodile tears streaming down their faces.

Why would the City want to take over the operating expenses of the old pavilions? We taxpayers have witnessed enough cost in takeovers – the biggest being the Lethbridge airport.

I suggest we tell Mr. Warkentin to put on his big boy pants, hitch up his belt and get to work solving his problems. If this was the Alberta government he was approaching on bended knee, Danielle Smith would fire him and the entire board of directors.

Grant R Harrington


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the city council that approved this exhibition debacle should be fired too.
What is next is the over $75 million and rising cost Performing Arts Centre Councilors Carlson & Campbell have donated $ 15 million (Council approval)of taxpayers’ dollars held in a special bank account. Is the top of the list on the next CIP .. They should both be charged with conflict of interest, Councilor Carlson has recused himself because of working for New West theater. recently both Carlson and Campbell performed for New West musicals Cancel the PAC project .have Municipal Affairs conduct an investigation.