October 23rd, 2024

Thomas comparison appalling

By Lethbridge Herald on January 13, 2024.


Rachel Thomas compares our democratically-elected Liberal government to the North Korean dictatorship of Kim Jon-Un.  Leadership sure does matter –  and to compare Trudeau and the Liberals to the dictatorship of North Korea is absolutely appalling, dishonest, and irresponsible.  Especially when it’s done by an elected Member of Parliament!  

This is a “dog whistle” politics at its worst and traditional Conservatives are right to be appalled. 

Leslie Lavers


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Kal Itea

Rachel Thomas: ” Loose Lips Sinks Ships”

Fedup Conservative

Once again those of us who are true conservatives see the stupidity displayed by these Reformers trying to pretend they are conservatives. How stupid do they think Canadians are? Well they know how stupid Albertans are they keep electing them don’t they?

old school

Carbon tax, mandatory experimental treatments from pharmaceutical companies ,censoring news, getting rid of those who don’t toe the line. Mandatory electric vehicles, killing industries,and farmers, how many more examples you want?

Fedup Conservative

Some of us who had ties to the oil industry know that they wanted to show the world that Canadians do care about global warming and want to show the world that we do because they know it’s a major concern and will effect the sale of their products .
A perfect example was TransCanada pipeline was furious with Reformer Stephen Harper for not implementing a Carbon Tax and blamed him for not helping them show Obama that they did care and it cost them the Keystone XL pipeline.
Apparently you are another one of these fools who can’t handle change and doesn’t give a damn about our children and grandchildren’s future while you watch these Reformers pile up Alberta’s debt for our children to have to deal with. Nor do you give a dam about what the droughts and wildfires are doing to Albertans, so how much are you guys that are so willing to support this stupidity going to be willing to pay to cover Smiths debts she is piling up?

old school

Fed-up , I Suppose if you were so blinded by your ego and your ignorance that you would realize trans Canada pipeline was furious? Pipelines are an inadament object that can’t have much emotion such as anger. How you perceive that trans Canada and Stephen Harper and XL pipeline are so connected ( Biden crapped on XL ,btw, perhaps as Obama puppet so you may be right there🙈) . Big business plays games with politicians ,lip service to a carbon tax perhaps , but any one who is not peering up his backside can see the effect of carbon tax. Go outside today! It’s not working or needed. Temperatures go up and down regularly. We are now similar to the “dirty thirties”. 5 years from now the slime balls that want your everything will start yammering about coming ice age again. Look at history and FACTS. You should b too old to be mislead by the likes of clown environment minister.

Fedup Conservative

In the real world TransCanada Pipeline was a corporation but I can believe you aren’t smart enough to understand that. Don’t forget Biden was connected to Obama as vice president and when he learned another Reformer was involved in Alberta he of course refused to cooperate and most oilmen I know don’t blame him they know how stupid Reformers are. Have you realized that you are the only fool making up your stupid comments to defend these Reformers proving how ignorant you are?


while i can agree with a number of your concerns here, the overwhelming issue is that it does not matter under what banner a group of puppets string themselves, we keep on voting for puppets.
i had forever thought that mulroney’s cons were the worst fed puppets we ever had, but this trudeau puppet show has been an even worse spectacle insofar as waste and ripping off the public purse. the pocket lining this time around has been as brash and cavalier as one would expect to take place under a thug run, usa dominated, third world resource rich backwash of a land. the giant parcels of cash being doled out to big corp, whether it was the wasteful pocket liner of a gift tcp buyout, to algoma steel, or the astoundingly absurd, sick, multi-multi billions being handed over to volks, stellantis, and likely more to come. and that is in addition to the too numerous to mention other wasteful and corrupt actions by this disgusting excuse for a caretaker of the people.
but if any fools think it is just libs, or just cons, that rob the public purse to line big corp pockets, here is some not so long ago harper stuff. keep in mind this is just the fed level sleaze; we also get it from the prov’l govts, and municipally.
in 2009, writes, the financial post, “The numbers were big. GM received assistance worth about $65 billion, 17 per cent of which came from Canadian treasuries: $7.2 billion from Ottawa and $3.6 billion from the Ontario government, according to the Auditor General. Chrysler’s bailout came to $15 billion, including $1.9 billion from Stephen Harper’s government and $900 million from Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty….” https://financialpost.com/news/economy/a-timely-reminder-of-what-a-government-backed-company-bailout-actually-looks-like-its-not-pretty
and there is much more harper stuff in this short article from maclean’s
the point, folks, is that people go to the polls expecting something to change, but in fact, only the names of the puppets change – the sleaze, corruption, and waste continue, and gets worse as the sleazeballs see the public does not clue in. next election, the easiest protest is to x-out your ballot: tell the sleazes that you cannot and will not legitimise the graft and waste any longer. whichever of the puppet parties garners the most votes is then inconsequential, as none will have legitimacy.

Fedup Conservative

It was my understanding that while Obama made it part of the bale out to the auto industry that the money had to be paid back by a certain date Harper used the money as a scheme to buy votes and they didn’t have to pay it back. It was no different than Klein using the orphan well cleanup mess to buy votes , no longer did they have to pay to cleanup the mess they created like Lougheed and Getty made them do and now are children are stuck with having to do it.


good entry!


How many more examples do you need you old fool?
They are dismantling our economy one industry at a time! Trying to shut down one of the biggest economic drivers in the country right here in Alberta in the name of their inviromental religion, flooding the borders with new people while the existing people that live here are hard pressed to find suitable acommodations. Pushed some people to the point of considering on leaving this once great country of ours!
He/they have adopted the radical ideology of “Wokeism” that has one goal and one goal only of turning our society as we know it completely on its head, yet fools like you quickly give them a pass for it!
So when I here Canadian comparisons to North Korea wether its from politicians or the common folk I cant but help but wonder whats next? And how bad can it get?


Her article was bizarre. I think she is becoming so self-important that she thinks she can just put out nonsensical drivel and her fans will lap it up.


I met her are a social gathering prior to her first getting elected. I heard her give a speach and then question her on an issue I had. Shamefully I voted for her that first time but quickly regretted it. She is another Canadian version of that nutcase in the USA ….Magorie Taylor Greene.

Fedup Conservative

To put it bluntly she is another damn Reformer the former conservative MLAs from the Lougheed era warned us about. While they couldn’t fool anyone as Reformers or Alliance Parties , the stupid conservative parties allowed them to join their parties and now they have taken them over and you have a hard time deciding whose who isn’t it? I had several doctors and teachers tell me they voted for Ralph Klein the first time and certainly regretted it also. Don Getty told me in 2003 that inviting Ralph Klein into the Conservative Party was the dumbest thing he ever did, he even had him fooled. They certainly don’t care what happens to the people they represent, do they ? Pierre Poilievre is another one. He was selling Reform Party Memberships in Calgary at the age of 16 for Jason Kenney.


Leslie Lavers is quite off the rail in her “self directed” out of context depiction of our MP Rachael Thomas’s reporting. Far be it from Liberal idealistic “propaganda” MP Thomas has simply called a “spade a spade”. Like it or not, it may be hard for you (Leslie Lavers et al) to accept the full intended context of our duly elected, effective and articulate Member of Parliament, Rachael Thomas.

Fedup Conservative

Another ignorant Reformer Party supporter who hasn’t figured out that there is a huge deference between a true conservative and a Reformer trying to pretend they are conservatives, right? Doesn’t care if these Reformers insult Albertans by comparing them to Nazis or Dictatorships for not being as stupid as them.

This Red Neck Has No Neck

HaroldP: What in your opinion was Rachael Thomas’ full intended context?

Fedup Conservative

You would never have seen the conservatives in the Lougheed and Getty governments that our family was heavily involved with being this stupid, would you? The gullible Albertans who have been dumb enough to support them are being called traitors for not helping us protect what Lougheed created for us, can you blame them? We can’t figure out how they can be so stupid that they would support a political party that is deliberately helping rich Albertans become a lot richer by stealing the peoples oil and tax wealth when Alaska and Norway are building massive saving accounts for their children’s future, can you ?


Have you even bothered to consider recent polls showing highly increased support for the National Conservative party along with very favorable statistics for our Provincial Conservative party?

Fedup Conservative

So while it’s a well known fact that weak minded easily led, easily fooled people make up the majority of any population of any country in the world making it nearly impossible to vote Dictatorships out of office like people in Germany experienced with Hitler, Americans experienced with Trump and Albertans experienced with Klein.
Even members of Klein’s own family tried to help our family vote him out yet look what these ignorant Albertans have let these phoney conservatives do to this Province?
Lougheed called it a “Horrific Mess “ for good reason.
Now we have Harold P proving that there is nothing conservative about him while he hurls his sarcastic comments at those of us who aren’t as easily fooled as he is , deliberately ignoring the mess these Reformers have created for our children’s future.
While ignorant Canadians fall for the lies of Pierre Poilievre they ignore the fact that he was a member of the Stephen Harper Reform Party government that took Canada from a $14 billion dollar surplus to a $151 billion debt by looking after the rich slashing GST and Corporate Taxes just like Klein did to Albertans by slashing royalties and corporate taxes. Poilievre helped Harper lie to Canadians about the Income Trust Investments, promising not to tax them , then did so costing Canadians $36 billion in lost revenue. He then helped him try to take $36 billion off the provinces health care funding to try to make up for the billions he had given away. Ralph Klein and Ed Stelmach warned us about his hidden agenda to destroy our Public Health Care System and Canadians were smart enough to vote them out and elect Trudeau.
While my conservative friends and I aren’t fans of Trudeau we trust him a lot more than this phoney conservative Poilievre and as our lawyers friends point out he has been a true hero to Albertans by pouring billions of dollars into this province and hasn’t cost us anything compared to what these Reformers have done to us starting with Ralph Klein and they are right.
During the COVID crisis and latest oil industry crash he poured about $30 billion dollars into Alberta and saved our oil industry by buying us a pipeline yet it appears Harold P is willing to ignore that and the $260 billion orphan well cleanup mess these Reformers dumped in our laps that is growing annually as oilmen point out.
Not to mention the $8 billion lawsuit we face or the $75 million children medicine disaster Smith created by buying children’s medicine from Turkey that’s been proven dangerous, so where is the intelligence in that?


Do you recall, HaroldP, when, as Fedup is wont to say, a real Progressive Conservative made it known his opinion regarding polls?
“Polls are only good for dogs.”
~John G. Diefenbaker PC CH QC FRSC


Duh…. “Leadership Matters”

This Red Neck Has No Neck

To clarify, by “intended context” I assume you mean intention, key idea or central message. That said, I can see how one would think the key idea in Rachael Thomas’ Op Ed piece was about leadership – after all, that’s how the headline writer elected to frame the piece. But that would be a superficial and facile assessment. 
Digging beneath the surface, or if you prefer peeling the layers of the onion back, it’s obvious that our MP’s intention was not to focus on the idea of leadership, but rather to perfidiously use the idea of leadership as a platform to engage in a false equivalency. No matter how much one dislikes Prime Minister Trudeau personally, the political and other views he holds, or the policies his government has implemented, to compare him to the North Korean leader is ludicrous, and unmeasured political rhetoric.
Her comments are unworthy of an elected official and beginning your comment as you did is not the sort of behaviour one expects of a man your age.

Mrs. Kidd (she/her)

From my perspective, and my wife agrees, Racheal Thomas is neither effective as an MP, nor is she particularly articulate. You may not share those views.

Last edited 9 months ago by Mrs. Kidd (she/her)

You have your opinion(s) regarding our MP Rachael Thomas, The rest of us have ours, ergo, Rachael Thomas’s continuing “landslide” victories at the polls. “Read em and weap”!

Mrs. Kidd (she/her)

The Conservatives could run a straw bale in our riding and it would still get elected. That’s hardly a ringing endorsement or something to brag about.

Fedup Conservative

You have nailed it. My father was the strongest conservative I ever knew and donated around $30,000. to the Alberta Conservative Party over the years and worked on Bill Dickies campaigns and all the conservative MLAs we got to know were furious with the fools who voted for the word conservative and didn’t give a damn about what Liberal Ralph Klein was doing to this province and they still don’t care.
Harold P has proven why the people of Lethbridge found him to be just another Right – wing extremist and were not interested in having him as a City Councillor as I am told which isn’t surprising. Supporting right-wing extremists is not what true conservatives do and the ones I know have had it with these fools , Reformers, who don’t care what they do to our children and grandparents future. The lies they have fed to Albertans is sickening and the idiots who have believed them needed their pants kicked.


a straw bale would hold more relative value for its riding.


Those darn dogs, eh? 😉


Maybe HaroldP should live in a country where like-minded people rule, like Putin’s Russia. Of course anytime anyone says “duly elected” you know they are not quite. “Spade a spade”? Whacked, man.


Lavers is reduced to emotional incontinence over the comparison between Justin Trudeau and Kim Jong Un: both rich, disconnected children of privilege who must look to China for inspiration.

By drawing a comparison between North and South Korea using satellite imaging, Rachael Thomas obviously sees what Trudeau’s enviro-religion will result in for us. If Trudeau and his environment minister have their way, future satellite images of Canada may well show a before-and-after sequence, from brightly lit to unlit, the outcomes of prosperity and then tyranny.

What I don’t understand is why Lavers reacts so negatively and so strongly to it — or why she believes “traditional Conservatives” would ever react the way she does. The “dog whistle,” meanwhile, remains firmly a figment of her own misperceptions.


excellent rebuttal.

Mrs. Kidd (she/her)

Calling a women you disagree with emotional, really? Now, that’s a dog whistle!”


I guess we’ve come a few baby steps from ‘hysterical’, ‘petulant’, ‘shrill’ … 🙂 Misogynists are slow learners.


The day they embraced “trans women” as biological sisters, feminists killed their own movement. Misandrists don’t learn at all.

Last edited 9 months ago by Incal

your entry reads as a display of utter ignorance, hate, and mental illness.


So are Misandrists!


Poor johnny 57.


First, it’s “woman,” singular. Next, dog whistles are subtextual and communicate to an in-crowd; Lavers was being openly incontinent and I as openly point out her reaction is unseemly and overwrought.
Let’s not forget, she used the term as an accusation of some sort, which she didn’t bother to flesh out. Lost in the brouhaha is the obvious fact that Rachael Thomas is quite right to say what she said.


stop digging, you are well under already

Mrs. Kidd (she/her)

Yes, woman, singular. Thanks for pointing that out. We can all sleep better now knowing you are on the job.

Having acknowledged my typo, I have a question for you. Are you incapable of expressing your disagreement with someone without lowering yourself to using such pejorative language, or is it only when you disagree with a woman, or more generally, with women?