October 23rd, 2024

The world is turning away from internal combustion engines

By Lethbridge Herald on February 17, 2024.


Premier Smith and her Cabinet have been railing against any and all climate action measures by the feds, especially the emissions cap. 

Have they been too busy to notice the world turning?

14 months ago, Hyundai announced they would no longer sell internal combustion vehicles in Norway. 

Yesterday, Ethiopia announced a ban on the import of non-electric vehicles.

In 2022, heat pumps outsold gas furnaces in the US.

In 2023, 68 gas-fired power plants planned for construction worldwide were cancelled because they couldn’t compete on cost with solar plus batteries.

Who will buy our favourite exports in 15 years?

Sincerely yours,

Roger Gagne


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old school

I’ll call you out on the 68 power plants that couldn’t compete. Really? You believe yourself even? The only reason they couldn’t compete is subsidies, massive subsidies, to wind farms and over regulation and red tape for efficient , reliable, consistant gas fired plants.


The electronic world is full of you tube videos and articles from tens of sources if not hundreds that refute your fallacy.
https://archive.is/pFTaN#selection-4301.0-4305.69 to name a few.

Last edited 8 months ago by buckwheat

Like the refutation by Joanne Nova, a well known climate science denier and climate change denial advocate? Most certainly, buckwheat, the electronic world is full of a lot of things. The old adage about bears, scat and buckwheat springs to mind.


Now that’s sticking it to buckfossil! lol!


Roger if you think we are getting off fossil fuels anytime soon then you are drinking to much of that delusional kool-aid thats going around!

Our clean Alberta energy is getting cleaner all the time and with technology avancing in that sector our energy can and I am sure will be completely emissions free in the near future! Daneille knows this ands thats why our lady is spear-heading the fight against these inviro-zealots!

But you keep drinking that delusional kool-aid Roger and dream the utopian-fossil-free-world dream.


Steamboat johnny versus the ‘inviros’ ..whatever that is.
You fossils are falling by the wayside!


And you delusional enviro-zealots are still living your utopian dream!

John P Nightingale

“… and I am sure will be completely emissions free in the near future! “.
Well that is a relief. Must be true . HE said so.


But of course Johnny-boy you have No rebuttal! Right on course as usual!


mental midget


Duhh! geese lump-head that was really smart!

John P Nightingale

Does the “57” stand for IQ?


Stands for ” 57″ reasons I am better than you old timer!

John P Nightingale

If you think so. I am sure that Smith, Thomas and their acolytes would agree with you. I take it as a compliment.


With that comment old-timer I will consider the source!


Interestingly, my great grandfather, who was born in 1856, didn’t think the internal combustion engine would stick.

He considered them too unreliable compared to the horses he used on the farm and for transport to town. And according to family stories, he also pointed to a lack of infrastructure, such as roads and filling stations.

The first person in town to buy a car – Doc McLean – was seen as a bit of a nutter.

It’s remarkable how things change as technology advances.


Lots of people. If you think oil is going to be gone in 15 years I can’t help you. As far as Ethiopia is concerned the ratio of cars to people is 2 cars to every 1000 people and 84% of those are taxi’s. It costs you 300% more to buy a car in Ethiopia than neighboring Kenya due to government taxes. Ethiopia is not banning ICE cars because of pollution its a economic decision based on reducing the foreign exchange. https://www.herald.co.zw/ethiopia-becomes-first-country-in-the-world-to-ban-petrol-diesel-car-imports/#:~:text=The%20East%20African%20nation%20has,to%20limit%20foreign%20exchange%20resources.


Good idea, gs. A 300% tax on all ice vehicles.We can save some fossil fuels for future humans. Don’t tell Bucky, though – he thinks its all his.


Yes it is a good idea to tax EV’s for road damage and insurance companies are already getting the message. As for the tire tax they burn thru tires at the rate of 40% or so faster than a regular vehicle. Time these virtue signalling subsidized parasites paid their own way. Even the Calgary Herald gets it. You need to widen your scope Sophie other than just demean or attempt to demean anyone who may disagree with your self indulged “enlightened” opinion. But then again, the science is settled, right?????


Yes. The science is settled. That’s right.

I doubt that I’ll ever own a car, but I do know that emissions won’t be lowered without EVs.


You want to live in Ethiopia? They’re doing it to stop money from leaving the country not for any carbon plan. Their economy is in freefall. Is Canada there yet? I hope not.


If Canada’s economy goes into a freefall, it will be because we ignored the imperative of reducing emissions, contributed to destabilizing ecological systems, and failed to invest in adaptation.

As has been said ad nauseum: doing nothing does not mean everything will stay the same. We will have to learn to change.


Watch how our local economy reels from lengthy droughts and diminishing summer river flows due to warming …


good to again gain your perspectives on things 🙂 glad you are back in the fray


Good to read your contributions, too. My eyes are having a good spell.


i have appreciated very much how you “see” things. wishing you well – with your eyes and with all things.


The sky is falling-The sky is falling?


If so, the precautionary principle would suggest walking with an umbrella.