January 24th, 2025

Medical association wants to celebrate rural doctors

By Lethbridge Herald on July 17, 2024.


Rural physicians are part of the heartbeat of rural Alberta.

 If a rural physician has been important in your life or community, the Alberta Medical Association invites you to share your appreciation by nominating them for a new honour: the Medal for Excellence and Achievement in Rural/Remote Medicine! Help us celebrate physicians who have made outstanding personal contributions to patients and communities in rural/remote Alberta.  The medal honours physicians who devote their careers to rural remote parts of our province.

 We are cheering for stories of rural physicians who engage in their towns, hamlets, communities and make a real difference: one patient at a time but also one day at a time as community members with friends and neighbors where they live and practice for many years.

 Nominations close Aug. 16. Request a nomination form by email: media@albertadoctors.org Dr. Abhay Lodha, Chair, AMA Committee on Achievement Awards

Shannon Rupnarain


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