September 11th, 2024

Business executives think Albertans aren’t paying enough taxes

By Lethbridge Herald Opinion on February 25, 2021.

It’s all laid out in a report released by the Business Council of Alberta that thinks the government should consider a provincial sales tax and carbon tax.

The BCA’s website refers to itself as “a group of over 90 chief executives from across Alberta.” The group includes Tracy Robinson of TC Energy, Tim McKay of Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Al Monaco of Enbridge, Navin Arora of Telus and Dave Filipchuk of PCL Constructors, among others.

These CEOs are so worried about the government’s debt problems they felt compelled to write a report about how Albertans need to pay higher taxes to help pull the province out of a sea of red ink.

Aren’t they good Samaritans?

Oddly enough, these high-rollers didn’t recommend cutting the billions of dollars of corporate welfare the province has announced. If these executives were so worried about the debt, why not call for TC Energy to return the $1.5 billion taxpayers spent on the company’s pipeline?

Maybe we need to give these executives the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps it’s hard to grasp the cost of a carbon tax when you’re filling up a Ferrari. Maybe they don’t know how bad it is on the ground? Here’s a little refresher for the CEOs whose corner-office views have become a little foggy.

Over the past year, about 90,000 Albertans working in the private sector lost their job. There’s nearly 35,000 Alberta businesses that are still at risk of closing their doors for good, according to the Canadian Federation of Independent business.

While this all sounds like bad news, the BCA report assures us there’s some “good news on the revenue side.” That silver lining is that “we have room” to increase taxes on Alberta families.

The report even pontificates about an eight per cent sales tax, which would cost $7.2 billion annually, or $1,600 per Albertan. The report acknowledges the government could help offset some costs through rebates or other tax reductions, but the specifics on relief are scant.

The report also discusses how Alberta could take over from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and reinstate the provincial carbon tax. A $50/tonne provincial carbon tax would soak Alberta taxpayers for $1.5 billion.

Then there’s this bombshell:

“A consumer carbon tax could be structured in the same way as a value-added tax (like the GST),” reads the report. “This would allow producers to pass the cost down and preserve business competitiveness.”

Isn’t that something? A group of CEOs seem to want higher taxes, but they want to make sure their businesses can “pass the cost down.” That’s code for sticking Alberta families with the bills.

The BCA does acknowledge that a pandemic and this economic catastrophe is no time to hike taxes. Better to wait for the pandemic to end before the government makes it harder for families to put food on the table. Do these CEOs seriously think that Albertans will have cash left on our money trees to pay for tax hikes after more than five years of economic hardships?

Fortunately, Premier Jason Kenney smacked down the idea of tax hikes.

“This would be the worst possible time to sink government’s hand deeper into the pockets of taxpayers who are already coping with huge financial stress,” Kenney responded.

The New Democrats have also come out against a PST.

So, what’s the solution to our deficit problem? Ironically, it’s found using data in the BCA’s report. The BCA acknowledged the government needs to reduce spending. And if Alberta brought its per person spending down to levels in Ontario, we would have a nearly $900-million surplus.

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Citi Zen

Albertans think business executives aren’t paying enough taxes…..




Nodding in agreement throughout this editorial until the final paragraph.
How is it that on one hand the writer acknowledges the fact the corporate welfare in this province is contributing to a significant decrease in provincial income and then concludes by asserting Alberta has a spending problem?
Corporate welfare on one hand and harsh austerity doled out to the masses by the other hand is merely another example of the economic lie that trickle-down theory represents and that a considerable number of Albertans know first hand.
In truth, Alberta has an income problem.


well, so long as the reference to reduced spending means no more spending on corporate welfare…but, yeah, what are the chances of there ever being integrity when it comes to govt, big corp, and the public purse.

Seth Anthony

Given the whole context of the letter, It seems to me that the author includes corporate welfare when suggesting spending cuts. Heck, it could be argued that the only cut the author is suggesting, is corporate welfare.


Nothing new here. The “pass the cost along crowd” is well represented.


Agreed buckwheat. Record debts from irresponsible spending passed on to future generations. Worst government ever.

Seth Anthony


Make those corporations pay with additional taxes“!

Except, that extra cost won’t be paid by them, but rather us peasants.

Jim Linville

I lost the link, but a few days ago I read that municipalities in Alberta are owed ca. 240 million dollars in taxes by various oil companies. I’ll bet you or I couldn’t get away with that.


well, they came after me for 2018, after okaying my take on tax credits available to me and spouse, for 500$, plus interest. did not bother rehashing the reassessment and just paid. however, i have to figure that cost thousands to recoup the hundreds…pennywise and pound foolish came to mind.


to clarify my point: the cra is apt and ravenous whilst going after the few dollars, but toothless when dealing with the largest and wealthiest entities that are in arrears and/or have cheated.