July 26th, 2024


By Lethbridge Herald on November 11, 2023.

Nathan Neudorf – UCP MLA for Lethbridge East

At the stroke of eleven on November 11th, Canadians from coast to coast come together in a collective act of solemn reverence. We pause for two minutes of silence, a poignant moment to honour, thank, and remember the Fallen. This moment transcends the ticking clock; it’s a sacred moment, a gesture of gratitude, and a vow to remember the sacrifices of the brave men and women who served our nation. It symbolizes Canada’s unwavering commitment to honour our veterans, both living and dead, ensuring their sacrifices are never forgotten.

In Lethbridge, the echoes of Remembrance Day carry profound significance. The city’s old train station holds a touching place in our history, a place where countless veterans embarked on journeys to the First and Second World Wars and where some returned home after their service. It is a symbol of the enduring connection between Lethbridge and the nation’s military heritage. 

We are proud to recognize the Veterans Project in our community. With an overall aim to introduce our community to the faces, names and stories of our veterans, this project is working hard to ensure their legacies endure.

 From engaging our community, and promoting greater awareness about Remembrance Day, to ensuring that its significance remains deeply ingrained in our community, by educating our young and older citizens, this Project’s chief aim is to secure remembrance for our future generations. As our living veterans become fewer in number, we must ensure that their sacrifices are not forgotten.

Last year, this project proudly displayed 80 veterans’ banners throughout our city, paying tribute to their service. This year, when you see the banners that tell the stories of our veterans, I urge you to stop and look. Each banner is a heartfelt tribute to their service and sacrifice. 

They are the faces and names of our local heroes, and their stories deserve to be heard. When you take a poppy from a box, wear it proudly, standing united with Canada’s veterans. Hold the faces, names and memories of these veterans in mind as we stand united in silence.

As Remembrance Day approaches, let us unite in honouring the past and supporting the future. Wear the poppy proudly, for it represents the gratitude we owe to those who have given their all for our nation, ensuring that their sacrifices are never forgotten. By wearing the poppy, you offer a tangible sign of your support for our veterans, a reminder of our shared past, and an act of respect for those who have given so much for our country. 

This Remembrance Day, let’s come together to remember our history, honour our veterans and look forward to a future where their sacrifices are not forgotten.

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