July 26th, 2024


Park closures a betrayal of trust

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on March 10th, 2020

Phil Nykyforuk CHAIR, BOARD OF THE SOUTHERN ALBERTA CHAPTER, CANADIAN PARKS AND WILDERNESS SOCIETY The provincial government dropped a bombshell last week when it announced the full or partial closure of 20 provincial parks and recreation areas. Some of these sites will be closed to public access. They also announced other major changes, including the ... Read More »

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Dairy farmers committed to sustainable production

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on March 9th, 2020

Pierre Lampron PRESIDENT, DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA Re: “Dairy sector faces uncertain future” by Sylvain Charlebois, Feb. 27 Herald. Sylvain Charlebois article is a study in contradictions. On the one hand, he acknowledges that supply management has given Canadians access to fresh, high-quality, local milk at stable prices for years. On the other, he calls ... Read More »

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Migrants: a glimpse of the future

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on March 7th, 2020

Poverty and war driving many people in Middle East and West Africa to relocate Turkey has opened the floodgates, and soon Europe will be drowning in immigrants. “Hundreds of thousands have crossed,” Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed on television, “and soon it will reach millions.” And it must be true, because you can see ... Read More »

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Let Alberta run its own race

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on March 6th, 2020

Imagine a runner. She walks to the starting line of her race and takes her place, but before the whistle is blown, she leans down and ties her shoelaces together, securely fastening one shoe to the other. Then, she turns herself around so that she is standing backwards. The other runners are lined up across ... Read More »

14 responses

Medicare reality is in the details

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on March 5th, 2020

Susan Martinuk RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, FRONTIER CENTRE FOR PUBLIC POLICY As the title suggests, The American Prospect article “What Medicare for All Really Looks Like” claims to describe the realities of Canadian medicare to our southern neighbours. So, it is both ironic – and disappointing – that a careful reading reveals it to be remarkable only ... Read More »

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Pipeline supporters need to step up

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on March 4th, 2020

First Nations who want GasLink must help to ensure pipeline is built Gwyn Morgan CONTRIBUTOR, TROY MEDIA In 2015, we gathered in the meeting house of the remote Tl’azt’en First Nation at Tache, 215 kilometres northwest of Prince George, B.C. I was there as volunteer chair of the B.C. Industry Training Authority (ITA), the organization ... Read More »

6 responses

Basic factors involved in blockades

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on March 3rd, 2020

Opinion, policy should be informed by the realities John Redekop PROFESSOR EMERITUS, WILFRED LAURIER UNIVERSITY Given Canada’s crisis involving Indigenous rights, governments and the public should note the following factors. 1. In dealings with First Nations, federal governments of both parties have a bad reputation. Ottawa has transferred huge sums of money to First Nations ... Read More »

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Budget cuts hitting people hard

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on February 28th, 2020

Communities are suffering effects of funding reductions And just like that, we’re back in the Legislature! After a great couple of months hearing the stories, concerns and resilience of Lethbridge-West residents, I’m eager to share those same stories with the government in Edmonton, which has been actively making life more difficult for residents in our ... Read More »

2 responses

Dairy sector faces uncertain future

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on February 27th, 2020

Some consumers view industry as only one of many options Sylvain Charlebois PROFESSOR IN FOOD DISTRIBUTION AND POLICY, DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY There’s been a lot of talk recently about meat alternatives but dairy alternatives are also becoming more popular. And when it comes to dairy in Canada, given our quotas and high tariffs, the stakes are ... Read More »

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Speak up for freedom

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on February 26th, 2020

We mustn’t lose appreciation for our democratic institutions Nathan Cooper SPEAKER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ALBERTA As the Speaker of Alberta’s Legislative Assembly, one of my top priorities is to >defend, maintain and build public trust in our democratic institutions. To this end, I have expanded efforts to reach out to Albertans through social ... Read More »

5 responses

Sign of Alberta’s frustration

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on February 25th, 2020

The latest salvo in Albertans’ growing frustration with the province’s role within confederation was fired recently in a manifesto called the Buffalo Declaration. The Buffalo Declaration was authored by four Conservative MPs from Alberta – Michelle Rempel Garner, Glen Motz, Blake Richards and Arnold Viersen. The document’s name harkens back to the early 1900s when ... Read More »

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